        The Isle of Ruin
Current Turn?NoSubject:Isle of Ruin
Campaign:GreyhawkTurn Start Date:9/15/596
Adventure:The Isle of RuinTurn End Date:10/16/596
Adventure Number:AACCharacters:Darkthorn, Dyson Teague, Kalin, Lorcan Smythe
Turn Number:1.0Send To:fivewands@championsoftheempire.com
Greyhawk Campaign?YesCombat Turn?No
Luck Pts
Fate Pts
Dyson Teague
Lorcan Smythe
Wiley Finch
Mage/Psioncist Name
Psionic Pts
Spell Pts
Spell Pool
Miscellaneous Information
Lorcan Smythe
Wiley Finch


The group continues to battle the sahuagin, slowly reducing their numbers. A minute or so later however, more sahuagin begin to arrive down the long corridor in which the group traversed to get here. Threatened with being overwhelmed, Ceanna reads the Scroll of Capricious Teleportation and everyone disappears.

Wiley is the luckiest of the group. He appears on the Sea Ghost although he is not wearing his armor and has no weapons. However, it quickly becomes apparent that the Sea Ghost was also affected by the scroll as it is no longer anchored where it had been. Also, all of the supplementary crew provided by the city of Saltmarsh are gone. Only the crew hired by the group is still aboard. Wiley works with the captain to take stock of the situation. They are floating in a bay. To the south, west and north is the mainland. To the east are a couple of islands and to the northeast is an exit from the bay. Wiley was holding a scroll tube and the Bag of Holding when he appeared. When he opens the scroll, he finds that it contains a very nicely drawn map of an island. The captain looks it over and surmises that if the island represents the ship's current location, they are in a western bay of the island. A port city is shown on the southern coast so Wiley orders the captain to set sail and make for the port to confirm if the island is where they are. In a search of the ship later, Wiley finds his gear in his cabin. He also finds Dyson's gear in his cabin, Kalin gear in his and Darkthorn's gear in his. He does not find Lorcan's gear or any of the gear belonging to Rory or Morgan.

Dyson appears in the alley in a city wearing normal street clothing but no weapons, armor or other gear. He does have his coin purse on him, however. He gets up and walks out of the alley. There are many people walking along the streets and working and shopping in the establishments that line the street. The language is clearly Aerdy which is Dyson's native language. He asks around and learns that he is in the city of Carrara on the Isle of Ruin. It is early afternoon and so he finds a bar and sits down with others to learn more. He finds out that the island gets its name for the many ancient ruins to be found around the island. The island was settled over a hundred years ago by settlers from the Sea Princes who inhabited this ancient and mostly ruin coastal city, slowly building it up to what it is today. There is another city about 10 miles to the east name Empoli that was settled about 80 years ago by people from Carrara. There is also an small inland village named Verona. Dyson learns that ships from the Sea Princes occasionally stop in while island ships also come to call from time to time. There are other inhabited islands but the Isle of Ruin is a bit off the beaten path. As evening wears on, Dyson pays the tavern owner a few copper to bed down in the common room for the night.

Kalin appears in the city of Empoli. He also has none of his gear and only 15 silver on him. His inquiries net him the name of the city and the knowledge that a larger port city is 10 miles to the west. There is no temple of Pelor in Empoli but there is one in Carrara. Kalin also learns that the two cities are located on the Isle of Ruin. Kalin takes a private room for the night with the plan to head to Carrara the next day.

Lorcan arrives in the middle of a thick forest. Unlike the others however, he has all of his gear, minus the Bag of Holding that he had been carrying. He picks a direction and starts walking. As night falls, he comes to a stream and decides to follow it downstream the next day. He creates a camp using his tent and bedroll. He does not sleep well that night as the night sounds of the forest awaken him often - that and the fact that there is no one but him and so no one to keep watch.

Darkthorn appears on a mountain without any of his armor, weapons or gear. He does not even have any money on him. Fortunately he is a ranger and at home in the wild. He starts walking down the mountain. He finds a couple of game trails that help him make good time and eventually comes across a human made trail that leads him to a village. He learns that it is the village of Verona. However, with no money, he cannot pay to stay there so he finds a spot to set up camp and sleep for the night. He finds some food to eat. His camp is well made and he gets a good night's sleep.

The Sea Ghost arrives at the port city of Carrara in early evening. Wiley takes the junior officer and two crewmen ashore to see what he can learn. In the first bar they enter, they are surprised to hear Dyson call out his name. They sit together and compare notes and swap stories. Wiley shows Dyson the map of what is clearly the Isle of Ruin. Dyson accompanies Wiley back to the Sea Ghost and they spend the night on the ship.

In the morning, Kalin joins a few other people in Empoli who are making the trip to Carrara. It takes about 4 to 5 hours of leisurely walking and, when he arrives in Carrara and heads to the waterfront, he sees the Sea Ghost tied up to a pier. He boards and relates his story to Dyson and Wiley while also hearing theirs.

Lorcan wakes up, eats some of his rations and then breaks camp, returning everything to his backpack. He casts a Water Walking spell on himself and starts following the creek down stream. It eventually joins up with a slightly larger stream and, after an hour or so, flows into a river. Lorcan continues to walk on the water and follows the river downstream. So intent is he on what is ahead, he does not see or hear the boat coming down river behind him until a crew member in the bow shouts at him to move to the side. Lorcan turns and sees a boat laden with people heading down the river. The crewman asks if he wants a ride for 5 cp and Lorcan accepts. As he is paying, Darkthorn calls his name. Darkthorn is working for his passage down river so Lorcan pays for the rest of Darkthorn's passage as well and the two swap stories as the boat continues down river towards the lake port city of Empoli. Upon arriving, the two learn that there is a sea port city about 10 miles to the west with a road connecting the two cities. The immediately set out for Carrara and arrive in the evening. Like Kalin, they see the Sea Ghost at the pier and rejoin the group.

GM: This is where we stopped for the night.

GM: Although the group has no way of knowing this, Ceanna teleported to a location that was within easy reach of one of the patrols that was harassing the sahuagin patrols. She was then escorted to Saltmarsh where she was able to present an accurate report of what the group learned in their scouting mission against the sahuagin. Although you did not see the entire fortress, you saw quite a bit and, with the additional information from Kysh, had good enough information about the sahuagin that the scouting mission could be considered a success.

GM: Just wanted to bring closure to the Saltmarsh adventures.

GM: When the group finally gets around to assessing their treasure, they note that the 1500 silver coins that they found in the third level treasure room are actually copper coins and the 700 platinum coins are actually silver. However, they also find some stuff in the Bag of Holding:
  • 600 gold coins and 25 platinum coins
  • Two platinum coronets encrusted with gems
  • A pearl necklace
  • A magical lantern
  • A pair of magical boots
  • A magical helm encrusted with gems.

GM: Dyson can send two Gem & Jewelry Appraisal rolls (one each for the coronets and the necklace). Those with Artifact Lore or Everything Lore can send rolls for the lantern and boots. Those with Armor Lore can send rolls for the helm.

KALIN: Knowledge rolls

Lantern - Everything Lore [rolled 40 (Failure)]
Boots - Everything Lore [rolled 33 (Failure)]
Helm - [rolled 78, PARTIAL SUCCESS - You know the name of the item, if applicable, but nothing more]

LORCAN TECH: Hopefully I format these right, I haven't used the lore roll keywords much. There isn't one for everything lore, right?

Lantern: Artifact Lore 27% [rolled 137, SUCCESS+ - You know the name, some history, and 2 properties of the item.]
Boots: Artifact Lore 27% [rolled 56, FAILURE - You know nothing about the item]
Helm: Everything lore 21% [rolled 94 (Near Success)]

Kalin recognizes the helm as a Helm of High Sorcery that allows the wearer to cast spells from a particular college. Lorcan is able to take it a step further and identify it as Telemyst's Mental Helm that allows casting of Sorceries of the Mind spells. He also recalls that it allows the casting of a subset of spells based on specific gems in the helm. A careful study of this helm shows that it is missing a lot of gems but has two that would seem to indicate that two spells can be cast but Lorcan does not know which ones.

Lorcan recognized the lantern as a Lantern of Trap Detection. When filled with a mixture of expensive oils and silver (100 sp cost), it will burn with a purple glow for about 15 minutes (1d10+10 minutes) and all traps within 15 feet will glow with the same purple glow.

Neither Kalin nor Lorcan know anything about the boots.


WILEY: Artifact Lore on Boots [rolled 78]

GM: They are Boots of Water Walking but you do not know anything more about them.

The group finds some shops in town where magic items are for sale. They do not have much of an interest in the magical weapons at Jolten's Weapons of War but they find a couple items of interest at Boltar's Armor. The first is a set of +3 Leather Armor which Dyson eventually purchases. The second is a small round shield known as Arrowbane. The cost is 3500 sp so they consider it but find things of greater interest at a store called World Emporium which specializes in expensive pieces for rich homes. Darkthorn sells his Brace of Weapons to Dyson and then buys a Brace of Combat, which is similar but holds much more. Lorcan purchases a Ring of Magical Renewal and then borrows money from Kalin to purchase an Academician's Cap. The group uses money in the party treasury to purchase an Armband of Healing which will allow Kalin's healing spells to work at maximum effect.

The group also visits an alchemist's shop and purchases some potions.

Of the three magic items found in the Bag of Holding, the Lantern of Trap Finding is kept and goes back into the Bag of Holding. The Boots of Water Walking are identified to learn all of their properties. Darkthorn attempts to attune to them but fails so they go to Kalin. Dyson takes the Helm of High Sorcery as he can use it to detect magic and build skill with Power Perception to eventually find and remove magical traps.

The group learns that there are so many magic items because of all of the ruins. The Isle of Ruin attracts many adventurers and they buy and sell items at the magic shops.

While the group is waiting in Carrara attuning to items, they fill out the rest of the crew of the Sea Ghost. They also spend time asking overtly about the Black Angel Woods and covertly about the Dungeons of Duplicity. They learn that the woods are named for some sort of 20 to 30 foot long demonic serpent that once inhabited the woods. It is not known if such serpents still reside there. They also learn that the woods are known for random magical effects.

Of the Dungeons of Duplicity, Kalin's attempts at subtlety don't work that well but he does learn a lot. The dungeons were once inhabited by a powerful mage. Later a dragon came to the isle and there was a battle between the dragon and the mage. The mage had hirelings and guards but was defeated by the dragon. It is said that some of the mage's hirelings are now cursed to guard the dungeons forever.

GM: At the end of the session the group wanted to know if there was a mage in town from whom they could learn spells. They did not find an E&E or Water mage, but they did find a Disenchanting Mage who specializes in spells from the General List (1/2x Luck roll). The mage, whose name is Moriel the Unmagic, has a shop in town and specializes in casting spells for clients who walk in the door. He is especially good and removing curses and helping people to attune to magic items.

GM: Lorcan finds the shoppe of Moriel the Unmagic. He is a Disenchanting Mage who has a shoppe in town where he casts spells on behalf of others. He specializes in removing curses and helping adventurers attune to magic items. Lorcan can purchase (he will write them in Lorcan’s spell books) the following spells for the indicated costs:

Read Magic – 500 sp
Spell Store – 350 sp
COP Detection – 1250 sp
Ritual of Remove Curse – 1500 sp
Ritual of Find Familiar - 1000 sp
Ritual of Identification - 1100 sp

GM: When you inquire about attunement, he says that he can perform the ritual for someone for a cost of 1500 sp. He says that his success rate for helping people attune is about 95% and he will charge only 500 if the ritual fails to help the person.


The group finishes their business in town by purchasing spells from Moriel the Unmagic. Then they cast off and sail around the east side of the island until they reach the river leading in the general direction of Black Angel Wood. They disembark using the Folding Boat. They spend three nights traveling through the forest. On the second night, Wiley casts a Levitate on Darkthorn, who rises up above the trees and gets a good bearing on the mountain pass they must take to reach the Black Angel Wood.

The next evening, as they are traveling through the pass on an ancient track, a giant wild boar charges out of the underbrush at Lorcan. The group closes in to kill it but another charges forward. Lorcan uses a Torrential Geyser from this Spell Wand to halt the charge of the boar but it recovers and moves up to attack Kalin. Lorcan, Dyson and Wiley battle the first boar while Darkthorn and Kalin tackle the second. Their attacks are brutal and Kalin goes down (at -7 HP and dying) but the group finishes off the second boar almost immediately thereafter and Darkthorn quickly administers a Cure Light Wound on Kalin to stabilize him and bring him back to consciousness.

A couple dozen yards further along the pass, they find the ruins of an ancient campsite and set up camp. Darkthorn administers First Aid and then sets himself to the task of butchering the boars for meat. He does a passable job on the second one after learning from his poor job on the first one. The group uses the rest of their healing.

In the morning, Kalin prays for a Purify Food and Water to better preserve all of the meat gained from the wild boars. Much of the meat is wrapped in broad leaves and placed in the Bag of Holding carried by Wiley.

The group moves on over the pass and can see the Black Angel Woods ahead. The new moon is not until the next night so they set up camp and rest for the remainder of the day, using the rest of their healing. They get going around 10 am the next morning and enter the deep woods a couple of hours later. Once they enter the woods, the going is extremely slow and they stop and rest frequently. The hours pass until midnight is finally upon them.

Wiley is holding the map and it begins to glow at midnight. The glow is weak at first, eerily highlighting Wiley's face, but the glow spreads until the entire group is illuminated. Then, very clearly visible ahead of them, is a well worn path through the woods that was not there before.

The group starts down the path. They quickly realize that the path only exists for about 50 feet on either side of the map so Wiley hands it to Kalin who is in the middle of the group.

An hour later, the group is attacked by a group of harpies.

The first two harpies fly down to engage in melee combat. One targets Kalin and the other targets Darkthorn. Fortunately they are the two who also made very good PER rolls so they are not surprised and in fact, get to attack back during the initial exchange of blows. Dyson starts to move up to assist Darkthorn but then sees another harpy up in the trees to the side of the path armed with a wand. He goes into full resistance mode to avoid the attack and is successful. He has no way of knowing that he just avoided being paralyzed.

Meanwhile at the back of the group, while Wiley and Lorcan were moving forward to help Kalin, they were suddenly enveloped in a brutal Ice Storm launched by another harpy with a wand behind them. Kalin sees the distant harpy but neither Wiley nor Lorcan does.

Dyson moves up to help Darkthorn who uses his Woodland Movement skill to move off the path and find a place where he can still attack the harpy, who uses martial arts style attacks against him. Kalin quickly discovers that the harpy attacking him is greatly hampered in causing claw damage by his armor but she is unfortunately wearing some sort of ring that is especially deadly to those wearing metal armor. Kalin is electrically shocked a couple of times before he is able to exchange places with Wiley.

The harpy with the Wand of Frost gets off one more attack, using a Cone of Cold, on Lorcan before Kalin hits her with a Silence spell.

By this time, Darkthorn and Dyson have caused enough damage to the martial arts harpy that she decides to flee. She craws out a loud screech and the harpies turn and flee. The group gets party shots on them but do not bring any of them down.

Kalin, Lorcan and Wiley are all wounded, some badly so. The group moves forward for a few minutes until they find a sheltered spot to do first aid and healing and then they continue along the path. They travel until about 4 in the morning until the path ends in some ancient ruins in front of a downed tree. Under the tree is a hole in the ground that is the beginning of steps leading down. The group finds shelter among the ruins and sets up camp for the night.

GM: This is where we stopped for the night.


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Spells Memorized


1. 3

  1. CLW, CLW, Stealth


1. 5
2. 4

  1. CLW, CLW, CLW, Bless, Protection from Evil
  2. Augury, Silence 15'r, Slow Poison, Spiritual Weapon



  • GK - Calm Waters, COP Holy Magics Minor, Deluge, Mage Wind, Read Magic, Spell Store, Water Breathing, Water Creation, Water Purification
  • SK - Bolt of Water, Torrential Geyser, Wall of Water, Water Walking
  • Spell Wand - Wall of Water, Water Breathing, Torrential Geyser



  • GK - Invisibility, Lesser Enchantment, Location, Opening, Spell Store, Telekinesis, Ventriloquism, Walking Unseen
  • SK - Levitation, Magic Missile, Web of Entanglement

Limited Use Abilities
WhoAbilityNotesUses per DayUsed
KalinCure Light WoundsHealing Charm (self use only)1
DysonMind CloakHelm of High Sorcery1
DysonTelekinesisHelm of High Sorcery1