Blue Mountain
Heat Masking
Discipline Type:General Knowledge Discipline
Special Classification:None
Discipline Rank Limit:22
Name:Heat Masking
Base Chance:20
Saving Throw:None
The pyromancer can disguise his own heat pattern to appear as another type of creature or specific being. This has the effect of fooling a creature or entity who uses infravision as his primary targeting sense. The pyromancer can only disguise himself with heat patterns that he has stored (using the Discipline of Storing Heat Pattern). The pyromancer may also completely negate his heat signature, making himself invisible to infravision. This does not allow the masking of heat-producing disciplines such as Energy Armor or Pyromantic Flight until rank 15 when one such discipline may be so masked, and rank 22, when two such disciplines may be masked.
Effect Category:Illusion
Effect:Standard illusion
Base Cost:200
Area of Effect:1 target0
Cast Chance:200
Casting Time:Normal spell0
Components:See Components Above0
Duration:Concentration - Minor0
Immunity:No Immunity0
List:List Appropriate0
Range:Self Only-0.5
Reliability:Mostly reliable0
Resistance:No save0
Visibility:Sensing spell with poor chance of detection0.4
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):