Blue Mountain
Memory Reading
Discipline Type:Special Knowledge Discipline
Special Classification:None
Discipline Rank Limit:22
Name:Memory Reading
Range:5 feet per rank
Base Chance:10
Saving Throw:Mental - Negates
The telepath may read portions of a subject’s memory record, experiencing those memories as intensely as does the subject when he remembers. When the discipline is first established, it will take the telepath 1 to 3 rounds (1d3) to locate the desired area of memory. The actual reading takes one tenth as long as the events being read took in real life. Thus, for the telepath to experience a 10 minute conversation will take 1 minute, during which the target must remain in sight and in range (or within range of Telepathy, if that is being used).
Effect Category:
Base Cost:0
Area of Effect:1 target
Cast Chance:20
Casting Time:Normal spell
Components:See Components Above
Immunity:No Immunity
List:List Appropriate
Range:5 feet per rank
Reliability:Mostly reliable
Resistance:No save
Visibility:No visibility modifier
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):