Body Speak
Body speak is the ability to communicate via hand and body signals. It is particularly useful for scouts when they don't want to make noise. The scout uses specific hand and body signals to communicate information. At low levels, this information is very basic, such as "I see 2 people in the room" but, at high levels, could be used to communicate much more complex information such as, "I see 2 people in the room. One is a fighter armed with a magical sword and the other is a mage with a wand pointed at the door."

If the scout is rank 10 in Body Speak but the person watching them is only rank one, then they are not going to understand complex information and the scout will have to simplify the information he passes. This skill works best when both the scout and the watcher are of about the same skill level.

Skill bonus is 10 + (rank x 7).

Note that this is the same skill that is included as a sub-skill under Scouting, where it is known as Silent Language.