A character with sailing skill is familiar with the operation of wind-driven vessels and, with a successful skill roll, is able to use the wind to its fullest advantage. At lower ranks, the character is skilled at operating a small vessel that can be managed by one or two people. At rank 8, he is skilled at managing a larger vessel that requires a crew of 5 to 10 sailors.

They are also skilled with tying knots and running lines used in sailing vessels. This skill applies primarily in the context of sailing vessels. The GM may apply a penalty if used in a different context such as tying someone up to prevent them from escaping, or rigging up complex climbing ropes to assail a cliff face.

Bonus for knot tying knots is (((DEX + KNOW) - 30) * 1.5) + (Rank x 6).

Characters with this skill are also knowledgeable on making emergency repairs at sea, such as during a storm when water starts pouring in through a sudden hole. Bonus is (((STR + CON) - 30) * 1.5) + (Rank x 5).