Blue Mountain
The character is very good at pretending to be someone else. Acting bonus is: (rank x 5) + ((CHA - 15) x 3)

Although this skill has obvious use for entertrainment purposes, the skill can also be used for more nefarious purposes. The character can try to act like a specific person (i.e., the character has taken the place of Jeeves, the butler and is trying to act exactly like Jeeves normally acts). If the character is trying to act like someone other than who they really are (i.e., the character is trying to act like a person from Waterdeep, including regional accent), they get a bonus of +20. In the latter case, even partial success is normally good enough unless they happen to run into someone who is from Waterdeep and might detect something false about their accent. In order to successfully imitate someone from another culture, the character should have one or more ranks of cultural lore for that culture.

This skill also gives the character the chance to lie convincingly. Bonus is (((CHA + WP) - 30) x 1.5 + (Rank x 5)