Anyone can row a boat. A character with this skill is able to row it faster and with greater efficiency. This skill also applies to manning galleys. At rank 8 and higher, the character is assumed to have skills needed to be captain of a galley.

Vessel Base Speed Bonus/Level
Canoe 5 ft/round * 5 ft/round
Rowboat (6 foot) 35 ft/round 4 ft/round
Longboat (12 feet) 25 ft/round 3 ft/round
Longboat (16 foot) 20 ft/round 2 ft/round

* - Base speed for a canoe is 40 feet per round once the character gains a level with this skill. Thus, at level one with this skill, the character could row a canoe at 45 ft/rnd, a rowboat at 39 feet/round, a 12 foot longboat at 28 feet per round and a 16 foot longboat at 22 feet/round.

They are also skilled with tying knots. This skill applies primarily in the context of rowed vessels. The GM may apply a penalty if used in a different context such as tying someone up to prevent them from escaping, or rigging up complex climbing ropes to assail a cliff face.

Bonus for knot tying knots is (((DEX + KNOW) - 30) * 1.5) + (Rank x 6)