The character can disguise himself to look like someone else. Trying to look like a specific person requires a disguise kit that includes wigs, pads, putty, makeup, false noses, ears, etc. A disguise kit costs 500 silver to purchase, and 50 silver per year to maintain, assuming moderate use. The kit weighs 10 lbs. The character’s skill bonus with disguise is (rank x 5) + ((INT – 15) x 3)

Only trying to hide own appearance
Trying to appear as someone who has roughly the same build and height and is of the same sex.
Trying to appear as someone who has roughly the same build and height but is opposite sex
Trying to appear as someone within 3 inches of own height and within 30 lbs of own weight
For every inch of height difference beyond 3 inches
For every 10 pounds of weight difference beyond 30
Trying to appear as someone of a different, though similar race (e.g., human trying to appear as elf)
Trying to appear as someone of a very different, though still bipedal race (e.g., human trying to appear as hobgoblin)