Blue Mountain
Blind Fighting
NOTE: This skill replaces the Combat Sense and Night Sense talents.

See rules for Blind Fighting under Combat. Each rank of this talent adds 2 to the person's effective Perception when making a PER roll while in combat with an unseen target.

This talent also allows the character to better move around in darkness. In "normal" darkness, where the character's eyes adjust to the gloom, allowing him to see a little, the character can sense objects out to a range of 10 (+3 per rank) feet. In total darkness, the character can sense objects out to a range of 5 (+2 per rank) feet. In either case, the character can only sense the presence and general outline of objects. Perception rolls are allowed to determine if the character can learn more about objects that they sense. For example, the GM may tell a character moving total darkness that they sense a large table ten feet to the right. The GM may ask for (or secretly make) a perception roll to see if the character also senses the presence of a scroll setting on top of the table.