Area Lore - Northern City States
Regional-Level Area Lore.

Knowledge of the geographical and geopolitical landscape of the Northern City-States, which comprises the Realms of Trensai, Blue Mountain, Golotha, Carse, the Kingdom of Parderaan, Herigund and Cherafir. Major geographical features include the Emerald Sea, the Blithwic Forest, the Maegenthryth Mountains, the Grimtooth Mountains, the Beodoec Range and the Great Northron Barrier Mountains.

Someone with this skill knows general information about the various locations, but none of the details. Thus, someone with this skill who makes a successful skill roll about "Blue Mountain" will know that Blue Mountain is a towering peak that is not located in a mountain range and inside the mountain is a major city. They will know of the roads leading to and from Blue Mountain and have an idea of the extent of the Blue Mountain Farmlands, but won't know much, if anything about the locations of businesses within Blue Mountain itself.