Blue Mountain
The character is skilled with drawing and painting. At ranks 10 or less, the character is an increasingly skilled amateur. At ranks 11 to 15 or so, the character can earn a decent living as an artist. At levels 16 and higher, the character is a master artist.

The artist can draw or paint simple pictures that represent a real object such as a creature, person, object or location. Chance of success is equal to (((DEX + PER) - 30) x 1.5) + (rank x 5).

The artist is also skilled at creating more complex and abstract artwork that comes from inside himself. Chance of success is equal to (((DEX + CHA) - 30) x 1.5) + (rank x 5).

The artist can also appraise drawings and paintings to determine their value. His chance of success is equal to (((PER + KNOW) - 30) x 1.5) + (rank x 6)