Spelljammer Pilot
The Spelljammer Pilot operates the spelljammer. The skill is used to determine the success of difficult maneuvers. It also determines the speed that the pilot is able to coax out of the helm. A rank 1 pilot may not be able to get his ship to go any faster than a few miles per hour while a highly skilled pilot can get his ship to the maximum of the ship. Spelljammer Pilot skill also determines the Defense of the spelljammer by 5% per rank.

Anyone will Spell Energy skill can feed spell points into a spelljamming helm to cause a ship to move forward. Each rank increases the maximum speed that the character can coax out of the helm and also increases the duration that they can keep the helm powered.

RankMaximum SpeedDuration
05%10 minutes
110%15 minutes
220%20 minutes
330%25 minutes
440%30 minutes
550%35 minutes
660%40 minutes
770%45 minutes
880%50 minutes
990%55 minutes
10100%1 hour
11100%70 minutes
12100%80 minutes
13+100%+10 minutes