Courtesan is a social skill designed expressly to satisfy the needs of status conscious people.

A Courtesan acquires one ability per rank. All acquired abilities can be performed competently. This by no means means he is a master of these skills, just that he may perform them with an acceptable level of competence. If a courtesan wishes to excel in an area, they must take the appropriate skill. I.e. the Dancing skill. Consider yourself ½ your courtesan rank in each of your areas for skill level determination.
  1. Play a single woodwind instrument
  2. Play a single string instrument
  3. Sing
  4. Recite stories and legends
  5. Compose stories and legends
  6. Perform mime
  7. Act out skits
  8. Tell jokes
  9. Dance
  10. Dress well
  11. Dress seductively
  12. Appear attractive
  13. Simulate wide range of emotions
  14. Imitate accents

Seduction - A Courtesan may attempt to seduce a being with whom he is sexually compatible. He must arrange a meeting with his intended partner either alone or with people who will not interfere while the Courtesan practices his wiles. The Courtesan's base chance of success is equal to ((CHA - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5). The DM then modifies the chance by the feelings and condition of the person being seduced. If the roll is successful the couple will retire to a more private place. If the roll fails the result depends on how badly the roll was missed. Results would range from polite refusal to outrage with dire consequences.

Aristocratic Interactions - A courtesan is skilled in dealing with aristocrats. With a successful skill roll (((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)), they know how to properly address any level of aristocrat and are knowledgeable about how a particular level of aristocrat will typically interact with various levels of society, including adventurers.

A master Courtesan is equally welcome at a royal ball as at the lowliest dive in town.

A Courtesan must pay 250 SP (+350 per rank) per year for finery and the props of the trade.