Rule Category:Combat
Rule Name:Massive Attacks
A massive attack is a melee attack that causes 25 or more points of damage from a single hit, has a great deal of kinetic force behind it and is delivered by a creature of giant size or bigger. Such attacks are best avoided using DEX and Defense skill as a shield becomes less effective and may well be broken or ripped from the grip of the person attempting to use one.

Massive Attack Definition
  • Normal melee attack causes 25 or more points of damage
  • Delivered by a creature two sizes or more larger than the target
  • Attack is kinetic

Defending With Shield

If the attack is deflected by the shield (i.e., attack would have hit if not for the DEF provided by the shield), the shield must make a save vs Crushing Blow at -1 per 4 points of damage over 25. If the save is failed, the shield is broken. If the save is made, it is likely torn from the defender's grasp and sent flying 2d10 feet away in a random direction. The chance of this is 25% plus 5% per point of damage over 25 (prior to applying PROT). Chance drops to 4% for master defenders defending themselves, but is 6% for master defender's trying to defend someone else.

To summarize:
  • Shield must save vs Crushing Blow at -1 per 4 points of damage over 25.
  • 25% (+5% per point of damage over 25) of shield being sent 2d10 feet away in random direction
  • Master defender is 25% (+4% per point of damage over 25) of shield being sent 2d10 feet away in random direction
  • Master defender defending another target is 25% (+6% per point of damage over 25) of shield being sent 2d10 feet away in random direction

Knock Back and Knock Down

A successful hit with a massive attack is likely to cause the target to be knocked back or knocked down. Target must make a 4x STR roll at -4 per point of damage over 25. If he fails the roll by 10 or less, he is knocked down. If he fails the roll by more than 10, he is knocked back 2d10 feet and knocked down. If knocked into a wall, door, table, etc, he suffers 2d8 damage from the impact (PROT applies). If knocked into another person, they both suffer the damage. Someone with Acrobatics skill can attempt a skill roll to avoid being knocked down. They might still be knocked back but will land on their feet.

To summarize:
  • 4x STR roll at -4 per point of damage over 25
  • Fail by 10 or less = knock down
  • Fail by more than 10 = knocked back 2d10 feet and knocked down (2d8 damage if knocked into something hard)
  • Acrobatics roll to avoid being knocked down
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