Blue Mountain
Rule Category:Werewolf
Rule Name:Werewolf Talents
Text in red indicates that further definition is required.

This document shows the merits available to werewolves. The number is parentheses indicates the cost. Each werewolf can start with X points worth of merits.

  • Berserker (2) - You can frenzy at will. Note that if you do not wish to frenzy, you must still roll to avoid it when a normal frenzy situation arises, such as spending Rage points or making a Rage roll.
  • Calm Heart (3) - The character has a better chance of avoiding Frenzy
  • Concentration (1) - The character is able to focus their mind to avoid distractions and annoyances. Activity penalties are halved but DEF is 0 (except for magical DEF) and attackers have a +20 to hit a concentrating target.
  • Lightning Calculator (1) - Any rolls involving numbers are made at +10 to the roll.
  • Self Confident (5) - Negative modifiers for difficulty are halved.
  • Daredevil (3) -
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