Blue Mountain
Blue Mountain Groups
Rule Category:Blue Mountain Groups
Rule Name:The Order of the Blue Star
The Order of the Blue Star is a secret society that opposes Chaos. All members, known as Agents, are Lawful in alignment (LG, LN or LE) and wear a magical tatoo of a blue star on the back of their left hand. The order believes that eventually the world will come down to a massive battle between Law and Chaos. At that time, all agents of the order will unite in a massive battle against Chaos. In the meantime, agents of the order do not necessarily work together. There can be animosity and even fatal feuds between agents. This is frowned upon but not forbidden. Agents are encouraged towards dangerous professions (e.g., adventuring) to develop their skills so that they will be more valuable in the final battle.

Agents of the order can be found most anywhere in Putarrha and even elsewhere around Eilan but the headquarters of the order is in Kaldor.

Magical Tatoo
The magical tatoo of the Blue Star is enscribed on the agent at the time of their acceptance into the order. The tatoo is about the size of a silver dollar. See the Agent of Law skill for more information about the tatoo.

Titles Within the Order

Notes from Turns

Herigund - Turn 1.6.1 - Death Cult
You were visited by a mage of the order a month or so ago. He met with you and provided you with much of the information you started with. Since then, you were contacted via a magical Sending spell twice from the headquarters of the order. The visiting mage was named Beleron. You had met him twice before in your life. As far as you know, he is no longer in Herigund. The mage who contacted you via the Sending spell was Galdia the Sender whom you know to be the main contact between the headquarters of the order, and the various agents in the field. All agents know Gladia.
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