Gamma World
Rule Category:Gamma World
Rule Name:Gamma World 02 - Back to Horn
Return to Horn (Jason GM)

We depart Madsen and head towards Horn.

We use caution when we approach the area of the badder ambush but the area looks abandoned.

We reach Samurai Base and enter. We prepare to settle in for the winter. We have already arranged to leave Appa in Mucktown and fed and cared for for the next three months (at 3 domars a day).

We have 17 Dronig with us.

We spend time working on the Aguatron 7. Fone gets the drive working. The pincers, sonar and light all work but the maxi-taser does not. Azimuth fixes it while Fone is fixing the drive. Guile figures out how to drain the chamber.

Fone and Spook take the Aquatron 7 out and investigate the algae fields. They find 6 machines sitting out there. They are designed so that the pincers of the aquatron can pick them up. They pick one up and bring it back. They deposit it in the dome where the aquatron was garaged and leave the aquatron outside, exiting the vehicle and entering the base through the external airlock. We make use of the high tech wet suit to stay warm in cold water. Spook changes to hammerhead form to travel underwater.

We think the 6 external machines are mobile harvesters that gather algae and bring it to a terminal to unload.

Fone determines that the algae tanks in the base are tainted with a virus, which is probably what created the zombies we originally fought.

One of the rooms in the main dome is an elevator leading down to mechanical spaces under the dome. If we can get everything running, the food processing can be brought online.

Above room 11B, there is a parabolic cone. Spook and Azimuth swim out and take a look.

We spent most of the sessions working on restoring Samurai Base and its many systems. See tab on the Master Character Sheet for a list of the systems and the current state of each one.

We ended the session in Samurai Base. It is currently sometime in December.

Samurai Base (Jason GM)

It is only December so we spend more time fixing up Samurai Base.

We start with the harvesters. Harvester 4 is in the best condition.

We spend the next 70 days working on the food system. We fix a harvester, the power, the recharging station, the algae processor and the food processor using a lot of the parts inventory.

It is not until May that we are ready to go, which includes getting the Dronigs trained in how to run the station.

Then we speak to the Tower to find out what it wanted us to do. It tells us that there is a hill about 15 to 20 miles to the SW of Shopp with an ancient metal structure. It wants to group to travel there and fix the electronic equipment located there at the bottom and top of the tower. The group remembers that there was talk of a strong radiation field to the SW of Shopp. It relays this to the Tower who tells them to call back in 24 hours.

In the meantime, the group heads to Mucktown, picks up Appa, and heads towards Horn.

When the group next talks to the Tower, he tells the group that he can provide them with assistance against radiation but they would need to travel back to the lab where the nanobots were injected. Sakasi and Spook think that the Tower did not seem as confident in the radiation protection so they suspect it won't be near as good as the nanobots. Nevertheless, the group agrees since even a little protection is better than nothing and the protection is permanent.

The group reaches Horn. We find nothing to fix the broken domes. Psymon finds no better armor. We find 1 dose of radimmuno boost.

At hotel, a sign addressed to the "heroes of Debok". From someone who wants to hire our services to rid their town of strange creatures. It is in the town of Ryzeen, beyond Debok. We decide to continue to the lab first.

We reach the lab a few days later. It takes a few days to get everyone through surgery and recover. The effect of the surgery is that everyone gets a +3 to their CN but only for the purpose of resisting radiation (identical to the perk that is normally only available to PSH characters).

We depart the lab and head to Shopp.

Antenna Tower (Steve GM)

I ran the Antenna Tower adventure. They entered a radiation zone and, at the antenna, the Geiger counter was reading 125,000 millirems.

We get back to Shopp. Then we head back towards Dubok and then on to Ryzeen to complete the adventure indicated in the note. Look for the Mangy Muffin Inn. We have the name of the person we are looking for and ask for Fenwad. He looks mostly PSH except for very long arms. He is from Chaff, a town south of Rogers. They have been struggling mightily against some mutants who keep raiding our village. This is a new village that we have been building for a couple of years. They have been taking our people.

We load up Fenwad the Executive and his 4 traveling companions (3 men and 2 women) on Appa. Fenwad is the leader. Disappearances last fall and this spring. We thought people were just leaving but as time passed, found out that was not the case. Village is walled. Some disappearances from inside the walls.

Most recently, a few days before we left, an entire family went missing from their home and their place was ransacked but nobody heard anything even though it was in town.

"Patriots" in Rogers won't help. The other villagers are thinking of leaving.

When they discovered family was gone, they found a tunnel that the mutants came through. They are assuming mutant creatures who can tunnel.

We have started the 2 week journey towards Rogers and Chaff. We are making about 20 km per day.

Mutant Creatures (Jason GM)

Enroute Chaff. 13 days travel to Rogers. Chaff is a day and a half south of Rogers. Mostly uneventful journey except for one point where naturally fallen trees block the road. We arrive at the walled village of Chaff. The wall is makeshift.

We ask to take a tour tonight. We learn the locations of the buildings with missing families. Two families of 4 and one of 5. One of the buildings has a tunnel but not the other two. We take a look at the one with the tunnel. Tunnel is a meter in diameter. The trackers take a look to see what they learn about the creature that made the tunnel. The recognize the tracks as Moaner tracks. They are not really undead but they are not alive. They have the semblance of humanoid and are intelligent.

Psymon knows something about them. Their blood causes a sickness (just from contact - poison blood). Their weakness is bright light. They like to mate with humans. They can also cause radiation sickness. Most of their mutations are not beneficial.

No blood has been found. There are signs of a struggle at the first and third places in the village.

During the trip here, Fenwad brought up a reward for completing this task and making the village safe again. Offer is a Remington Roomsweeper, gas mask, 7 shells for the RR, frag grenade and 500m square piece of land outside the village. He gives us everything except the land now to help us out.

The prophet Kwon, a 3-headed mutant, arrived a few months ago, after the first disappearances. We wonder if there is a link.

The Temple of Kwon plays strange music at night. I ask a nearby guard if this is a nightly occurrence and he indicates that it is.

In the morning, we investigate the tunnel, with Spook going first, then Guile, Psymon, Fone, Azimuth and Sakasi.

We go for about 10 minutes and find a hole to the surface. It is partially covered with brush. We continue along the tunnel another couple hundred meters. Tunnel begins sloping down. Spook gets the feeling that there is a creature up ahead. Guile decides to sneak forward using his chameleon ability and stealth skill. He sees a black centipede up ahead. Its bite is a sleep poison.

Spook, Guile and Psymon defeat the monster with guns and pyrokinesis. Guile is bitten and fails his save so is poisoned with sleep venom. He falls asleep after the battle and may be out for 24 hours.

Mutant Creatures (Jason GM)

We investigate the Temple of Kwan, also known as the Temple of the True Prophet. They seem happy to see us and usher us in. Their robes are makeshift. The prophet is a three-headed mutant with no arms or legs. Her speaks of a device that can send us to other worlds. He tells us to come back after completing our mission for Fenwad the infidel. Then he falls asleep.

We return to the tunnel and follow it for another 300 yards or so. Then it opens up to a mud pit with a ledge running around it.

Guile moves ahead and checks out each of the other four openings. The first one (12) has light somewhere down there but, while it starts about 2 meters in diameter, it narrows down to 1 meter after a few meters. After a bit, there is a tile floor and fluorescent light and enough room to stand in. Then it narrows down again goes another dozen meters or so and opens up again to a railroad tunnel. We decide to follow it to the north for a kilometer or two. We eventually reach an area where roots grown down and create a jungle-like growth that we would have to hack through. We turn around and head back.

When we get back to where we started, we continue with the plan to travel another 2 km. Then we travel another half a km and the tunnel is collapsed. But just before is a door that is opened. On the other side is a black centipede that we manage to dispatch fairly easily. There is a shaft in the back that used to be an elevator shaft but was used by the black centipede to access the surface. Guile climbs up to note the location.

GM: During the battle, Guile rolled a natural 1 twice with his 9mm, invoking rolls on the malfunction table. The first just resulted in a dud and a need to take an action to clear the chamber. The second resulted in the gun firing normally but the casing did not eject, resulting in the need to take an action to clear.

Psymon scans for Appa to get a specific distance and direction to the town.

Azimuth finds a rotted backpack with a ziplock bag containing five very large shotgun shells. On the side, it says 6 gauge. Also find a nylon backpack in poor condition containing a flashlight, nylon rope, 2 flares, 2 frag grenades and a gas mask.

We head back to the muddy pit - and find 4 moaners there talking. Guile sees them first and they do not see us. Spook will sneak out and toss a frag grenade.

We end the night after 2 rounds of battle. Azimuth is the focus of the attacks but succeeded in his disease save so does not need to make another save.

Mutant Creatures (Jason GM)

We finish the battle with the moaners, defeating them but Sakasi is hurt and suffers the disease. It could be fatal.
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