Rule Category:Legends
Rule Name:The War of the Orbs
The Elani were the ones who brought the orbs. Being new to this world they needed to built them a home in which they could live happily. Not wanting to take any land from the other races on the planet they chose to build their islands from the sea. Nearly 8000 years ago they came and brought their orbs to build their new lands.

There were eight orbs total. Crimson, Topaz, Emerald, Azure, Tempest, Magma, Onyx, and Pearl. These orbs represented different forces of the prime material plane. Crimson was the elemental force of fire, able to destroy anything with it’s intense flames. Topaz was the elemental force of earth, capable of shaping and forming the lands of the planet. Emerald was the elemental force of water, linked with the powerful oceans and their creatures. Azure was the elemental force of air and the winds that blow across the lands. Tempest was the essence of the storm, harnessing powerful forces that could bring gentle, steady rain or devastating furies upon Eilan. Magma was the marriage of earth and fire, lava, the force that creates the continents from the sea. Onyx was the absence of matter, the great shadow of the void and the power of not to be. Pearl was the last orb as the gift of light that shines upon this land. Together these orbs were able to build great islands from the open seas.

These orbs were very powerful and required much power to wield them. Not any mortal man could safely control one of these orbs. It took someone many years to grasp the nature of each individual orb and how to guide their powers. The Elani had one designated controller of each orb called a Hand. The Hands of the orbs were powerful magi able to comprehend exactly what was under their control. They had each spent many years studying the orbs and their forces. They were good people loyal to their kingdom. Before gaining permission to become a Hand the candidates would have to petition the Council of the Elder Hands from days gone past to earn the right. After they earned the right they would then have to challenge the current Hand of their orb. Once they bested the current hand they could assume the title of Hand. All those who ever earned the right to become a Hand earned the title of Master.

The Council of the Elder Hands was governed by the Elani peoples. There twelve seats in the council, eight of which must be filled by a former Hand of each of the eight orbs. The other four seats were open for any past Hand. The eldermost Hand was the ruling councilmember. Every year 3 of the Hands would be reaffirmed.

The Elani peoples formed their islands of the Sea Princes and begun to develop them. They had several races that had traveled with them to Eilan. Two races of note were the soulweavers and the forestwalkers. The soulweavers were a spirit race that watched over the life-forces of all that the Elani peoples touched. They were the keepers of good spirits. The forestwalkers were a small race of ancient beings that could commune with anything of life. They could shape and enhance the creatures, plants, and terrain around them. The Elani brought several other animal races with them to populate their new islands.

They completed the islands and they began their new life on Eilan. They started their calendar at year 1 (7886 years before the lifting of the veil). After the completion of the Sea Princes and the surrounding area the Hands placed the orbs safely away. Because the orbs contain the essence of the elements they are unstable. They contain a very powerful force and are quite sentient. The Elani found that the world of Eilan made the orbs more powerful than before and they needed more focus to control the orbs. The mastersmiths of the Elani forged the Sun Medallions to aid the Hands. There were eight corresponding Sun Medallions that were crafted and enchanted. Brass for Crimson, Gold for Topaz, Copper for Emerald, Silver for Azure, Bronze for Magma, Nickel for Storm, Platinum for Pearl, and Mithril for Onyx.

To aid the Hands as well the Talons of the orb were crafted. These large pedestals resembled a clawed foot which held the orbs while they were not being used. If an orb was left unattended it would escape on its own and return to the elements from which it came. The Talons were powerfully enchanted to restrained the orbs from leaving. This allowed the Hands to let the orbs out of their presence.

After a thousand years or so the Elani started to notice the effects of Eilan on their peoples. Several groups of Elani had changed a bit since coming to the islands. It was acknowledged that these were new races from the original Elani. These Elanic peoples had several different groups, Erile, Systani, Ues, Oelas, Allons, and Scryians. Although they differed from Elani people in various ways they were still very closely related to them.

After a while these other races started to become Hands themselves. Around Elani year 4957 the Elani were now the minority among the Hands as well as general population of the Sea Princes. By this time another race from the mainland of Putarrha, the Gilthans, had begun to spread to some of the closest islands to the mainland.

Elani year 5246 a dark race of humanoids came from beyond the void. They entered the south parts of the Sea Princes and began to slaughter the unsuspecting inhabitants. The nations of Elanic people banded together and the Hands brought forth the orbs to combat these creatures of destruction. The war which was later referred to as the War of the Orbs lasted for over 13 years when finally the shadow creatures were driven from the seas. The death count was very high and several Hands were slain in battle. The council knew this and had each Hand travel with three others who had passed the tests, but have not challenged the current Hand. Many of these Masters died as well.
Many of the southern islands were torn to bits from all the warfare. But what was more significant was the dissention that had begun. Many of the Hands and the other races started to disagree with the other races about how the Hands were to be treated. This started several personal conflicts which escalated into a civil war between all the Hands and their races.

The first conflict started when Master Caterai, Erile Hand of the Topaz Orb became infuriated with Master Sryder, Elani Hand of the Azure Orb. Master Caterai was upset because of the way Master Sryder tore apart his home island of Triasten. This small island southeast of Erile was the closest the shadow creatures ever got to the central islands of the Elanic peoples. Master Caterai insisted that Master Sryder be tried for war crimes which amounted to excessive force and brutality against innocent by-standers. Master Sryder retorted that without the use of force the shadows would have invaded the island of Erile, making matters much worse. This difference of opinion could not be resolved with logic and others started to take sides. It turned out to be three Hands versus two, with the others keeping from the conflict. Master Caterai was joined by Master Scolli, Ues Hand of the Storm Orb and Master Jellis, Oelas Hand of the Crimson Orb. Master Sryder was joined by Master Powell, Scryian Hand of the Pearl Orb. Master Nephis, Systani Hand of the Emerald Orb, Master Rista, Elani Hand of the Onyx Orb, and Master Meceda, Elani Hand of the Magma Orb remained neutral through the first part of the conflict. Master Caterai demanded that Master Sryder be put on trial for his actions by the Council of the Elder Hands. After several months of campaigning the Council granted his request. The next year they gathered in the 5th month to hear testimony from both sides. By this time most of the public had taken sides in the conflict. It seemed an overwhelming percent were for the retribution against the damage, which was conveniently laid out on Master Sryder. After several weeks of testimony the Council decided that Master Sryder was not at fault for his actions during the war. Many of the Elder hands, no longer in the council agreed and so it was laid to rest.

A year later (Ey 5261) the dissatisfied Hands came to the conclusion that the Council of Elder Hands was delusional and needed to be purged. They formed a group of dark knights of the lost orbs, which was a collection of some of the greatest veterans from the War of the Orbs. On the 6th month of Ey 5261 the dark knights of the lost orbs stormed the Council’s hall in Dilsantik and murdered the Elder Hands. The next day a great storm threatened the island and the people, unaware of what happened the night before sent for the Hand of the Storm Orb. Just as the storm was about to hit a great fire broke through the town at the center of the Council’s hall. Most of the city was destroyed between the great storm and the fire. The Elanic peoples were outraged by this accident and started to examine it further.

The victorious Hands returned to their islands and began to plot to politically eliminate the council. Because of the dissatisfaction with the verdict delivered last year the public was receptive to the lack of responsibility of the Council of the Elder Hands. On the 7th day of seventh month the Elanic peoples voted to disband the council.

By this time the other Hands had heard the rumors of what had happened. They begun to take it up with the offending Hands. Within a few days the arguing Hands were attempting to destroy each other. Master Caterai and his allies took refuge on Erile island. The others pursued and the battles ensued. After three months of battles finally the Night of the Orbs came to pass.

Master Nephis and Master Meceda joined the others to bring down the three rogue Hands. The battle was not going well and Erile had been torn to bits in the process. Master Rista, who had remained silent finally entered the conflict. She realized that the Hands were to far gone to be saved to sanity and that they had to be stopped if their peoples wanted to survive. She performed the Arcane Ritual of the Onyx Orb just as the battle escalated between all the Hands. It was 10-14 that night when she completed the ritual. A great darkness that swallowed the stars in the sky covered the Island at dusk. Silence passed over all in the darkness and soon it seemed as though everyone was completely alone in nothing. The Hands were never again heard from.

Those that survived the darkness described it as being lost in pitch darkness without anything around them. Most fell to unconsciousness and woke to find their ships a drift at sea. When they returned to Erile, they could not find the island, but many little islands lost far from the original location. Those even further away on the other islands spoke of a dark cloud that spread incredibly fast across the sky bringing night prematurely. They also noticed that the seas were incredibly calm that night until the sun rose. While they could not see the stars that night, they could also not see any clouds. The people began to speak of omens shortly afterwards.

Eventually they discovered the Erile was no more and so were the Orbs and their Hands. Their was much sadness, but much relief. The War of the Orbs was over and their presence was no longer. The islands near Erile’s location were known to hold great evil and chaos. They were uninhabited and would remain that way.

It surfaces every once in a while, but there are verses that tell the way to the lost orbs. No one has ever found them since and it’s believed that these are simply bard’s tales to fatten their pockets.
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