Blue Mountain
Rule Category:Werewolf
Rule Name:Breeds
Breed indicates the origin of the werewolf. If the werewolf started life as a wolf, and later was inflicted with lycanthropy, his breed is Lupus. If the werewolf was born of human parents prior to succumbing to lycanthropy, his breed is Homid. Metis are werewolves whose parents were both werewolves.

Lupus - Raised as a wolf among wolves and later acquired lycanthropy. Lupus often have a difficult time passing for human and may have problems with human speech. Their preferred form is wolf form.
  • Nickname: Feral
  • Starting Gnosis: 5
    Breed Notes
    • +2 PER (27 Max)
    • -5 CHA (20 Max)
    • Cannot develop complex crafting skills (blacksmith, jeweler, armorsmith, etc.)
    • Breed Gifts
      • Eyes of the Wolf - Ultravision.
      • Scent of the Wolf - Can track by scent. At higher level, can use sense of smell to identify objects. At even higher level, can target opponents.
      • Leap of the Kangeroo - Spend Gnosis to gain leaping ability.
      • Drop of the Fallen - Spend Gnosis to take no (or less) damage from a fall.
      • Beast Speech - Spend Gnosis to speak with Animals
      • Jaws of the Beast Within - Spend Gnosis to strengthen jaws to bite through tough objects. Also increases bite damage in combat.
      • Summon the Primal Lupus - Spend Gnosis to summon a Wolf Spirit

Metis - The sterile and deformed offspring of werewolves. Metis know the most about what it means to be a werewolf and are more in touch with their abilities than Lupus or Homid. However, they are generally looked down upon by other werewolves.
  • Nickname: Mule
  • Starting Gnosis: 3
  • Deformity (choose one):
    • Hunchback: The first reaction of others towards you are usually negative because of your misshapen back and shoulders. -20% to Service Please and Information Please rolls. -4 to Charisma rolls (3000 exp)
    • Malformed limb: One of your limbs is gnarled and withered. -20% to any rolls that use the affected limb. -4 to Dexterity rolls where the limb is used. (4000 exp)
    • Widely spaced eyes: Your eyes are spaced extraordiarily far apart on your head. -20% to ranged weapon attacks or any visual perception rolls where distance is a factor. -10% to Service Please and Information Please rolls. -2 to all Charisma rolls. (2000 exp)
    • Musk: Your body continually exudes a predatory pheromone, making all normal animals tense and edgy, if not downright hostile. You are easy to track by scent and most werewolves find your odor irritating. Even humans notice the smell. All tracking results made against you move up one level. Thus, Failure becomes Partial Success. Partial Success becomes Near Success. Near Success becomes Success, etc. (1500 exp)
    • Madness: Something is not right with your mind. Occasionally, fits of madness strike you, sending you into paraxysms of hallucinatory fantasy or psychotic paranoia. In stressful situations, you must make a 3x Willpower roll or fly into madness. (4000 exp)
    • Bad Hearing: You either lack earlobes of any sort (regardless of what form you are in) or simply have bad hearing in general. Your PER is halved for all hearing PER rolls and you cannot develop any skills that improve hearing perception. (1000 exp)
    • Hairless: You have no body hair whatsoever. While this isn't a terrible problem in human form, in wolf or half-wolf form you are rather vile. -20% to any social interaction rolls with other werewolves while in anything other than human form. Saves vs. cold attacks are made at -20% and all damage is increased by 25%. (2000 exp)
    • Lack of Claws: You have no claws or fangs and are unable to develop skill with "Lupus Combat" (2000 exp)
    • Human Face: When in wolf or half-wolf form you retain your human face, as well as the sensory organs thereof. Your senses are never any better than a normal human's. This is digusting to werewolves; most will react with horror upon seeing you change into wolf form for the first time. (1000 exp)

    • -2 CHA (23 Max)
    • +1 PER
    • Breed Gifts
      • Sense Wyrm - Spend Gnosis to Detect Undead and Demons.
      • Create Element - Spend Gnosis to bring forth a small amount of one of the four basic elements - air, earth, fire or water (one cubic foot per rank with success?)
      • Eyes of the Wolf - Spend Gnosis to gain Night Vision.
      • Delerium - Spend Gnosis to temporarily instill madness in a target.

Homid - Raised as a human among humans and later acquired lycanthropy.
  • Nickname: Ape
  • Starting Gnosis: 1
    • Breed Gifts
      • Will of the Beast - Spend Gnosis to gain a bonus to "aggressive" interpersonal skills (bribery, interogation, etc.)
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