Blue Mountain
Rule Category:Sorcery
Rule Name:Circles of Protection
Circles of Protection are listed under General Knowledge spells in the General Spells list but are quite a bit different than normal magical spells, rituals or talents.

The following characteristics apply to all circles:
  • Area of Effect - 10 ft diameter (+1 ft/level). If there are more people in the area of effect than can be protected by the mage, then he will be unable to bring up the circle.
  • Max Targets Protected - Mage + 6 (+ 1 per 3 ranks).
  • Casting Time - 4 rounds.
  • Spell Points to Cast - 1d6 (-1 per 4 ranks: minimum 1). Should be rolled at the end of the Casting Time. For example, if the caster is level 7, he rolls 1d6-1 to determine how many spell points it takes to cast. If the mage does not have the necessary number of spell points required to cast the circle, it will drain all remaining spell points and then fizzle at the end of the 4th round of casting.
  • Duration - 10 minutes (+1 min/rank). For example, at level 15, the circle remains for 25 minutes.
  • Spell Points to Maintain - 1. Once the original duration ends, the mage can spend 1 spell point to maintain the circle for an additional amount of time equal to duration. For example, a level 5 caster spends 4 rounds and 1d6-1 spell points to bring up a circle for 15 minutes. At the end of the 15 minutes, he can either drop the circle, or can spend 1 spell point to keep it going for another 15 minutes. He may continue maintaining the circle for as long as he has spell points.
  • Movement - A mage can move at a walk or run (2x TMR) and still maintain a circle of protection.

Other Circle Notes
  • If the mage who created a circle is knocked unconscious, the circle is dispelled.
  • Creatures of the circle type that are in the circle when it is put up will not be affected by that circle even if they leave it and reenter the same circle at a later time.
  • If a caster with a circle up walks into a creature of the circle type the creature can then be forced to enter the circle without penalty. Once in the circle the creature can act normally. If a creature who has been forced into a circle leaves, he must observe normal rules for trying to break into a circle.
  • The mage can only maintain one circle at a time. Circles cannot overlap. In other words, a mage cannot put up a circle that includes another mage who has a different circle up.
  • All circles of protection are visible to the naked eye. Someone who makes a successful Magic Lore roll can identify the type by sight.
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