Campaign Info\Skills\Lores

NameBase CostCategories
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Animal Lore100With a successful Animal Lore roll ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5), the character knows something about the animal, as indicated below: Absolute Success - Knows all there is to know about the animal type
Success - Knows all common facts, and some uncommon facts about the animal type
Near Success - Knows most common facts about the animal type
Partial Success - Knows some common facts about the animal type
Failure - Doesn't recognize the animal
Absolute Failure - Misidentifies the animal
Area Lore - Amedo Jungle50Knowledge of the Amedo Jungle part of Greyhawk.
Area Lore - Archeron75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of Archeron/Erelhei Cinlu, a drow asteroid and city in the saragasso to the galactic north of the Kingdom of Celestian. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Barbarian Altanis75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Blithwic Forest. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Blithwic Forest75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Blithwic Forest. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Blue Mountain Farmlands50City-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the vast area of farmlands surrounding Blue Mountain. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Blue Mountain Proper50City-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the city of Blue Mountain. To some extent, this could include Blackwater, Sunden Grove, Fishery Downs and the Beohere Grounds. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Cairn Hills75
Area Lore - Carse50City-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the city of Carse and, to a lesser extent, the entire island. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Cherafir50City-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the city of Cherafir. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Area Lore - City States of the Invincible Overlord75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Blithwic Forest. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Deep Port50
Area Lore - Dormun Deep75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the dwarven city of Dormun Deep. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Area Lore - Emerald Sea75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the vast plains in the Northern City-States knowns as the Emerald Sea. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Golotha50City-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the city of Golotha. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Area Lore - Greyhawk City50
Area Lore - Greyhawk Region75
Area Lore - Grimtooth Mountains75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Grimtooth Mountains between the Emerald Sea and the Kingdom of Parderaan. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Hardby50
Area Lore - Herigund50City-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the city of Herigund. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Area Lore - Highport50
Area Lore - Kaldor75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Kingdom of Kaldor and, to some extent, all of the cities within the kingdom. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Kingdom of Celestian125Knowledge of the Kingdom of Celestian in the Putarrhan Sector of the phlogiston.
Area Lore - Leukish50
Area Lore - Maegenthryth Mountains75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Maegenthryth Mountains between Blue Mountain and the Realms of Trensai. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Northern City States100Regional-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the geographical and geopolitical landscape of the Northern City-States, which comprises the Realms of Trensai, Blue Mountain, Golotha, Carse, the Kingdom of Parderaan, Herigund and Cherafir. Major geographical features include the Emerald Sea, the Blithwic Forest, the Maegenthryth Mountains, the Grimtooth Mountains, the Beodoec Range and the Great Northron Barrier Mountains. Someone with this skill knows general information about the various locations, bu
Area Lore - Nyr Dyv75
Area Lore - Old Aerdy West75
Area Lore - Onwall75
Area Lore - Parderaan75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the Kingdom of Parderaan and, to some extent, all of the cities within the kingdom. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Pomarj75
Area Lore - Putarrha200Continent-Level Area Lore The character has a broad knowledge of the entire continent, including major landmarks and the locations of various kingdoms. This knowledge can be based on cartography or personal travels so the characters knowledge of kingdoms is often dated. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5)
Area Lore - Realms of Trensai75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of the kingdoms of Near and Far Trensai. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Area Lore - Sheldomar Valley75
Area Lore - South Flaeness75
Area Lore - Southern Seas125Lore of the seas south of the main Grayhawk area.
Area Lore - Spelljammer75Knowledge of the physical layout of the massive ships known as Spelljammer, where the Spelljammer campaign starts.
Area Lore - Stornhill50
Area Lore - Tunlind Drop75Kingdom-Level Area Lore. Knowledge of area below Tunlind Drop and, to some extent, the cities of Herigund and Cherafir. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Area Lore - Urnst75
Area Lore - Vast Swamp50
Area Lore - Wild Coast75
Area Lore - Yrmen Desert100Regional-Level Area Lore. The character is knowledgeable about the Yrmen Desert and the cities, tribes and landmarks located within. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (rank x 5).
Armor Lore250The character is very familiar with armor; armorsmiths and famous armories. He can look at any suit of armor and; with a succeesful skill roll; tell if the armor was made by humans; elves; orcs; etc. If the armorsmith was relatively well known; the character might be able to name the specific armorsmith. If the armor is magical; and the character rolls Success; he will know one property of the armor; plus one additional property for every 20 points above Success that he rolled. If he rolled Abs
Artifact Lore450A character with this skill is familiar with magic items. The character must be literate to advance beyond rank 5. The character has heard many stories and read many books relating to magic items. He knows magic item descriptions and properties. For any given magic item, the character can request the GM to make a skill roll to see if he recognizes the item from any of his stories. Skill roll is 5% per rank, plus Know bonus. Consult the following table for the result: Level of Success
Astral Lore250Astral Lore provides knowledge of the astral plane and astral space. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5). This skill also serves as knowledge of the night skies and the names of the constellations. Assume that this world has the same night sky as Earth, and thus the same stars and constellations.
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Cultural Lore - Barbarian Altanis75Knowledge of the culture and history of the elves who live in the Eastern Blithwic Forest. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Blithwic Forest Elves75Knowledge of the culture and history of the elves who live in the Eastern Blithwic Forest. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Blithwic Gorillas200This skill is a measure of the character's knowledge of the social structure and history of the Gorillas of the Blithwic - a race of intelligent gorillas who live deep in the Blithwic Forest.
Cultural Lore - Blue Mountain75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of Blue Mountain. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Cairn Hills75
Cultural Lore - Carse75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of Carse. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - City States of the Invincible Overlord75Knowledge of the culture and history of the elves who live in the Eastern Blithwic Forest. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Dormun Deep Dwarves75Knowledge of the culture and history of the dwarves of Dormun Deep. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Emerald Sea Barbarians75Knowledge of the culture and history of the centaurs who wander the Emerald Sea. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Emerald Sea Centaurs75Knowledge of the culture and history of the centaurs who wander the Emerald Sea. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Golotha75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of Golotha. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Greyhawk75
Cultural Lore - Herigund75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of Herigund and Cherafir. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Nadosokar75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of the ancient city of Nadosokar. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Nynorsk Barbarians75Knowledge of the culture and history of the barbarians who live in the Great Northron Barrier Mountains. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Onwall75
Cultural Lore - Parderaan75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Parderaan. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Pomarj75
Cultural Lore - Sea Elves75
Cultural Lore - South Flaeness75
Cultural Lore - Spelljammer75Knowledge of the culture of the massive ship known as Spelljammer.
Cultural Lore - Symbaya75Knowledge of the culture and history of the civilized inhabitants of the Yrmen Desert. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Thune75Knowledge of the culture and history of the barbarian tribes of the Yrmen Desert. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Trensai75Knowledge of the culture and history of the inhabitants of the Realms of Trensai. Bonus is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5).
Cultural Lore - Urnst75
Cultural Lore - Wild Coast75
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Demon/Devil Lore100Bonus for recognizing and identifying the major powers and abilities of extra dimensional beings, and things pertaining to Demons/Devils.
Dragon Lore200Bonus for recognizing and identifying the type, major powers and abilities of Dragons and things pertaining to Dragons.
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Elemental Lore100Bonus for identifying different types of Elementals and determining abilities and other things pertaining to Elementals.
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Faerie Lore100Bonus for recognizing and identifying the major powers and abilities of Fairies, and things pertaining to Faerie. These include elves.
Fungus Lore100Bonus for recognizing and identifying different types of fungi, normally most useful in underground environments.
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Giant Lore200A character with this skill is knowledgeable about all manner of giants, include ogres and trolls.
Goblin Lore175Goblin lore is knowledge of the various humanoid races that include uruk-hai, orcs, goblins, kobolds, hobgoblins and bugbears. The character knows the names of the many of the tribes and, with a skill roll can determine a humanoid's tribe by its markings and gear.
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Jirdunian Lore225The jirduns inhabited the Phlogiston long ago and the ruins of their ancient civilization can still be found throughout the phlogiston. Someone with this skill knows about both the jirdunian race and culture. Commonly known is that the jirdunians were an ancient race of elves. They had a single emperor who ruled the entire phlogiston. It is thought that they were generally a lawful evil society.
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Magic Lore225Provides knowledge of magical colleges, how magic works, history of mages, etc. For knowledge of the spells of a given college, you should buy the magical language for that college.
Mercenary Lore100A character with this skill has knowledge of mercenary ways and mercenary groups. They know how mercenaries act and where to find them. They know how to make contacts with people who want to hire mercenaries.
Metal and Mineral Lore100Bonus for recognizing and identifying and appraising metals, alloys, metallic crystal structures, etc as well as types of stones and gems. Someone with this lore might be able to positively identify a diamond but, without Gem and Jewelry Appraisal skill, would not be able to determine its value. This skill will also give information on famous, magical artifacts and historic, legendary, or cursed types of metals or gems.
Monster Lore300This skill gives the character a knowledge of the various monsters. As a general rule, this skill only applies to prime material plane creatures. Refer to the following list for the applicable lore skill: Animals - Animal Lore
Avians - Monster Lore (e.g., roc, stirge)
Bugs - Monster Lore (e.g., carrion crawler, giant wasp, phase spider)
Demons and Devils - Demon/Devil Lore
Dragons - Monster Lore and Dragon Lore
Elementals - Elemental Lore
Faeries - Faerie Lore
Giant Animals - Monster Lore and A
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Phlogiston Lore - Grayhawk Sector200
Phlogiston Lore - Krynnian Sector200
Phlogiston Lore - Kulthean Sector200
Phlogiston Lore - Putarrhan Sector200
Plant and Herb Lore150A character with Plant Lore skill is adept in identifying various types of magical and mundane plants and herbs. The character can also forage for edible plants. Note that Plant and Herb Lore can be used a Fungus Lore at -1 level (i.e., Success would be treated as Near Success, etc.). General Knowledge - General knowledge plant and herb lore roll is equal to ((PER - 15) x 3) + (rank x 5)
Find & Identify Mundane Plants & Herbs - Base chance to find and identify mundane plants and herbs is equal
Poison Lore150The character is skilled at recognizing, making and using poison. Identify Poison
His bonus for identifying poisons is ((KNOW - 15) x 3) + (Rank x 5) Identify Poison Symptoms
His bonus to see the symptoms in someone who has been poisoned is (((KNOW + PER) - 30) x 1.5) + (Rank x 5) Identify Poisonous Source
His bonus to identify a source of poison, such as an animal or plant, is (((KNOW + PER) - 30) x 1.5) + (Rank x 5) Poison Perception
His bonus to determine if an object, drink, food item, etc
Psionic Lore100The character has knowledge of various things related to psionics, including knowledge of what monsters tends to be psionically aware, various types of psionic attacks and defenses, etc.
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Religious Lore100Bonus to recognize religions and religious artifacts. The character may take Knowledge skills to know more about specific religions.
Religious Lore - Norse75This skill is similar to religious lore but applies only to the Norse pantheon of gods.
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Sea Lore150Sea Lore is knowledge of the sea and ships. It encompasses some Animal Lore and Monster Lore in the context of the sea. Someone with this lore will also have knowledge of maritime geography, ships, pirates, ports and other knowledge of the vast oceans and seas of the world.
Spelljammer Lore150This lore skill gives the character general knowledge of spelljammers of all types.
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Undead Lore150With a successful skill roll, the character can identify a particular type of undead and know their strengths and weaknesses as will as attack forms. The skill may also give the character knowledge of particular undead creatures (e.g., a specific, powerful vampire that inhabited a particular location).
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Weapon Lore275The character is very familiar with weapons; weaponsmiths and famous weapon forges. He can look at any weapon and; with a succeesful skill roll; tell if the weapon was made by humans; elves; orcs; etc. If the weaponsmith was relatively well known; the character might be able to name the specific weaponsmith. If the weapon is magical; and the character rolls Success; he will know one property of the weapon; plus one additional property for every 20 points above Success that he rolled. If he roll
Weather Lore125A character with this skill may predict the weather for a number of hours equal to his skill level.