Campaign Info\Skills\Alpha Cat Skills

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Barbarian750See barbarian profession for more details.
Barter250Bartering is the ability to negotiate with someone for a better price than the seller would normally give the buyer. It should be assumed that all merchants are good at bartering so only the character needs to make the roll. If the merchant is especially good or bad at bartering, the GM can assign a modifier to the character's roll. Level of Success
Incredible Success
226 or higher
30% Absolute Success
176 to 225
25% Success ++
161 to 175
20% Success +
131 to 160
15% Success
Beastmaster1000See Beastmaster description under professions.
Bite Attack450This skill is intended for creatures with a natural bite attacks, such as a lizard man or blink dog.
Blacksmith300Blacksmith skill allows the character to make and repair metal items such as horseshoes, metal wagon axles and metal weapons. Weapons that are a combination of wood and metal require either two craftsmen, a woodcrafter and a blacksmith, or one person with both skills. A blacksmith must have the appropriate tools to make and repair metal items. These include a forge, hammer, anvil, tongs, etc. At level 15, a blacksmith can fashion metal Weapons of Quality. For weapons that use both metal and woo
Blind Fighting375NOTE: This skill replaces the Combat Sense and Night Sense talents. See rules for Blind Fighting under Combat. Each rank of this talent adds 2 to the person's effective Perception when making a PER roll while in combat with an unseen target. This talent also allows the character to better move around in darkness. In "normal" darkness, where the character's eyes adjust to the gloom, allowing him to see a little, the character can sense objects out to a range of 10 (+3 per rank) feet. In total da
Blink300Blink dogs start at rank 5 with this skill, giving them the ability to blink once per round on a roll of 7 or higher on a d12. The first attack after their blink gains a bonus of plus (rank x 2) to SC. Roll a d12 to determine where they blink: 1 = front, 2 = left flank, 3 = right flank, 4-12 = behind. If the blink dog is already in the indicated position, they do not blink that round. At ranks 6 to 7, the blink dog can blink to an adjacent target and chance of blink increases to 6 or higher on
Body Speak75Body speak is the ability to communicate via hand and body signals. It is particularly useful for scouts when they don't want to make noise. The scout uses specific hand and body signals to communicate information. At low levels, this information is very basic, such as "I see 2 people in the room" but, at high levels, could be used to communicate much more complex information such as, "I see 2 people in the room. One is a fighter armed with a magical sword and the other is a mage with a wand po
Bowyer/Fletcher350A Bowyer/Fletcher is skilled at making bows and arrows. A longbow or short bow may be quickly made with the listed tools (Partial Success equals a -30% bow, Near Success means a 20% bow, Success yields a -10% bow and Absolute Success produces a bow with no penalties). If the character does not have a knife or dagger, but has another bladed implement, the penalty may be reduced. If the character takes his time in making the bow (at least 24 hours), then the penalty is reduced by 10% (i.e. Succe
Brawling100The character knows how to fight with their fists, clubs and ad hoc weapons. Strike Chance is (DEX x 3) + (Level x 5). Damage: The die rolled for damage depends on rank (see below). Damage is also modified by STR (see Characteristics - Strength) and rank. Damage increases by 1 at ranks 4, 8, 13, 20 and 30. For example, at ranks 1 to 4, damage is 1d4. At rank 5, it increases to 1d4+1. At rank 6, it increases to 1d6+1, and so on. Rank 1-5: 1d4
Rank 6-9: 1d6
Rank 10-13: 1d8
Damage Type: Half of al
Bribery250Bonus for offering a bribe to an official in the proper and unobtrusive manner.
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