Blue Mountain
Small Round Shield +3
Magic Item Category:Shield
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Small Round Shield +3
Power Level:5
Who Has This Item:No one
Provides a bonus of 6 to defense per rank of Small Shield skill.

In addition to the standard types of shields (buckler, small round, large round, kite and tower) there are two classes of magic shields for each type - skilled and unskilled.

A "skilled" magic shield only provides a benefit to someone who is skilled in shield. The bonus is added to the normal defensive bonus is that is gained per rank of shield skill. For example, a small round shield normally provides a bonus of 3 to defense per rank of Small Shield skill. A +1 Small Round Shield (skilled) provides a bonus of 4 to defense per rank of Small Shield.

An "unskilled" magic shield always provides its bonus. A +1 shield adds 5 to defense. A +2 shield adds 10 to defense, etc. For example, a normal small round shield provides a bonus of 3 to defense per rank of Small Shield. A +1 Small Round Shield (unskilled) still provides a bonus of 3 per rank, but adds a flat +5 on top of this bonus. Thus, someone who is rank 5 in Small Shield would get their normal bonus of 15 to defense and the +1 shield would add another +5 for a total of +20 to defense from the shield.
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