+1 Shield of Radiance
Magic Item Category:Shield
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:+1 Shield of Radiance
Power Level:4
Who Has This Item:No one
Attunement:48 hours
This large round shield is made of steel. The front of the shield has been polished to a mirror-like shine. A pattern of concentric circles is engraved into the shield. The shield has the following powers.
  • +1 Shield - The shield grants a +1 to DEF for each rank of Large Shield skill.
  • Radiance - The shield can be used as a light source but requires that a Light spell be cast into the shield for this to function. Only a sorcerous Light spell will work. A Light spell from a cleric will not trigger the special abilities of the shield. The special radiance abilities will last for 1 hour per rank of the Light spell that is cast into the shield.
    • Glow - The shield can be commanded to glow in up to a 10 + (rank x 2) foot radius. The amount of glow is determined by how loud the command word is spoken. If spoken in a clear, loud voice (not a shout or scream) the full glow results. If spoken in a barely discernible whisper, the glow can be reduced to a barely glowing object. The amount of glow can be changed at will by speaking the command word again at a different tone. A separate command word extinguishes the light. The glow is a hemisphere radiating from the front of the shield. Thus, if it is placed on the ground, shiny side up, it radiates in a 10 + (rank x 2) ft radius around the shield. However if it is held as a normal shield, it only illuminates in front of it, including above, below and to the sides, but not behind.
    • Radiate - With a command word, the glow can be changed to a projected beam that clearly illuminates out to (rank x 10) feet. The light level drops off quickly so that something up to (rank x 15) feet is barely visible. In order to use this ability, the Glow ability must first be activated. A separate command word changes the Radiate back to Glow. Note that, just as a flashlight shined in someone's eyes will temporarily blind them, so too will this beam shined into someone's eyes temporarily blind them. They are allowed a Luck save to avoid being blinded for 1d6 seconds.
Someone who has the sorcerous ability to cast a Light spell has a +1 to their chance to attune per rank with the spell.

Note that there are versions of the Shield of Radiance in other sizes:
  • Buckler - 700
  • Small Round Shield - 750
  • Kite Shield - 1,000
  • Tower Shield
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