Star Shield
Magic Item Category:Shield
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Star Shield
Power Level:4
Who Has This Item:No one
Attunement:3 days
The Star Shield is a round shield that is vibrant black in color and embedded with tiny gems that give it the look of a star field.

  • Shield Form - The star shield can take the form of either a small or large round shield at the desire of the attuned user (and utterance of the proper command word).
  • Shield Bonus - The shield confers at +10 bonus to defense in either form.
  • Flight - The attuned user can stand or sit on the shield and use it to fly. It moves at a TMR of (MA x 5) in the Phlogiston and half that in air. The user controls the speed with verbal commands and controls the direction by leaning left to turn left, leaning right to turn right, or sitting (or standing) upright to go straight. It cannot make sharp turns at high speed.

In game terms, the difference between standing and sitting on the shield is one of combat and stability. Sitting is more stable but if the user want to fight in that position, they suffer a -20 to SC, -2 to Dmg and -20 to DEF. Standing incurs no such penalties but the user must make an Acrobatics rolls each round and compare the result to the following table:
  • Absolute Success: Surprise maneuver, gain a +10 to SC and +10 to DEF this round.
  • Success: No penalty to SC or DEF.
  • Near Success: -5 to SC and DEF.
  • Partial Success: -10 to SC and DEF.
  • Failure: -25 to SC and DEF.
  • Absolute Failure: -35 DEF and lose one attack. If user has multiple attacks, they suffer a -35 to all remaining attacks.
  • Blunder: Fall off the shield.

The Star Shield cannot be used as a shield when being ridden.
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