Net Arrow
Magic Item Category:Arrows
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Net Arrow
Power Level:2
Who Has This Item:No one
A Net Arrow functions as a +1 arrow when fired. Upon hitting a target (or missing and hitting a solid object), the arrow does damage normally but also explodes into a net that engulfs a human sized target unless they make a magic save at -10. Small targets save at -20 while Tiny targets save at -30. Large targets save at +20 and the net cannot engulf anything larger.

A trapped target can attempt to free themselves each round by making a 2x STR roll. Each attempt uses 3d2 Endurance (or causes 3d2 Non Lethal damage) and takes the full round, whether successful or not.

Net Arrows can be found individually or in bundles of 1d4, at the GM's discretion.
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