Blue Mountain
Alchemy Helm
Magic Item Category:Helm
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Alchemy Helm
Power Level:6
Who Has This Item:Delana
Attunement:3 days
This elegant leather, full-face helm is elaborately but functionally designed to ward against weapons. If has the following abilities:
  • Protection - +3 Protection that stacks with armor (magical or mundane).
  • Potions - Built into the elaborate design of the helm are four small compartments into which potions can be poured (one per compartment). The potions can be ingested through a tube near the mouth on the inside front of the helm. The attuned wearer grasps the tube with his mouth, envisions the compartment with the desired potion, and it flows into his mouth through the tube. This allows the wearer to ingest potions while fighting in combat without losing any actions. The duration of any potion ingested (if not immediate) is increased by 50%. Note that once a potion is poured into one of the four chambers, only the attuned wearer of the helm can use it.
  • Potion Miscibility - The attuned wearer can drink 2 potions without having to worry about a potion miscibility mishap.
  • Alchemy Skill - +10 to all Alchemy rolls.
  • Poison Resistance - +25 to all saves vs. poison.

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