Blue Mountain
Helm of Underwater Action
Magic Item Category:Helm
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Helm of Underwater Action
Power Level:5
Who Has This Item:No one
Attunement:15 days
This helm provides the following abilities:
  • Underwater Breathing - The attuned wearer can breathe underwater indefinitely as his head is enveloped in a bubble of air. The bubble cannot be punctured (or, more accurately, it can be punctured but won't collapse if this happens). The bubble is created automatically when the attuned wearer's head enters the water. Note that the bubble can be established manually with a command word to allow the wearer to breathe in other environments as well but, in this context, the bubble can only be maintained for (MA x 5) minutes after which it cannot be used again for 24 hours for non-water environments.
  • Underwater Sight - The attuned wearer has a form of ultravision that allows him to see underwater to a distance of (MA x 3) feet.
  • Depth Protection - The character is immune to the pressures of the deep.
  • Protection - The helm provides a +2 protection to someone wearing armor (magical or mundane).
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