Blue Mountain
Pocket Leather
Magic Item Category:Armor
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Pocket Leather
Power Level:6
Who Has This Item:Delana
This appears as a 4 inch square piece of rigid leather. It has the following properaties
  • Reinforced Leather Armor - When the piece of leather is touched by someone currently wearing armor, a whirlwind of activity suddenly occurs. All of the character's possessions fall to the ground. This includes weapons in sheaths or in hand, shield, backpack, etc., leaving the character naked. This state is momentary as the leather square suddenly takes on a mind of its own, wrapping itself around the character as a suit of reinforced leather armor, complete with gambeson (under garment) of comfortable silk. The character is then free to re-equip him or herself. However, the armor cannot be removed for 12 hours. At that time, the wearer must make an attunement roll. If they fail, the armor drops off and they cannot don it again (unless their MA improves). If they succeed, they can mentally command the armor to remove itself, causing a reverse repeat of the above donning process, including nudity. Thereafter, the armor can be donned and removed as desired.
  • Protection - +4 Protection (PROT 8)
  • Weight - -2 DEX Penalty
  • Fit - Can fit any creature that normally wears armor.
  • Room and Board - Whenever the attuned wearer checks into an inn, or buys dinner or drinks in a tavern, he will find money in a small vest pocket of the armor to pay for a simple room, a single meal, or a drink or two. In game terms, the attuned wearer need never mark of money for a simple room at an inn, or food or drinks at a tavern for his own immediate use.
  • Carried Equipment - The armor contains a multitude of small pockets that can hold a total of (MA x 4) lbs of small items (no bigger than a short sword). These items are stored in small, extra-dimensional spaces and thus, do not add to the weight carried by the character.
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