Blue Mountain
Helm of Premonition
Magic Item Category:Helm
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Helm of Premonition
Power Level:5
Who Has This Item:No one
Attunement:96 hours
This magical full helm is engraved with astrological signs. It completely covers the head and ears but leaves the face open. It has the following properties. Effective cast rank is 11 for all.
  • Protection - +2 PROT that only stacks with armor.
  • Augury - As the cleric spell of the same name, once per day.
  • Know Time - As the cleric spell of the same name, once per day.
  • Divination - As the cleric spell of the same name, once per day.
  • Find the Path - As the cleric spell of the same name, once per week.
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