Blue Mountain
Images of Glory
Magic Item Category:Jewelry
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Cleric, Wizard, Rogue
Magic Item Name:Images of Glory
Power Level:5
Who Has This Item:No one
Attunement:5 days
An Image of Glory is a small statuette made of green marble and shaped roughly like a human but lacking in any details. Once someone has attuned to it, the statue will resemble them. If the person to whom the statuette is attuned dies, it reverts back to a mostly formless humanoid.

Once attuned, the owner can call upon the power of the statuette once. By doing so, the character gains the abilities of a warrior, in addition to their normal abilities, for roughly one hour or less but long enough to resolve a single encounter. These abilities include:
  • Single Specialist in a class of melee weapons (e.g., swords) at a rank equal to Overall Level +1
  • Hit Points skill at a rank equal to Overall Level
  • Master Swordsman at a rank equal to Overall Level
  • Shield (large or small) or Defense skill at a rank equal to Overall Level
  • Range of Field skill at a rank equal to Overall Level
  • Maneuver in Armor skill at a rank equal to half Overall Level (round up).

Once an Image of Glory is used, its color changes to dull gray and will crumble to dust if handled.
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