Blue Mountain
Beaker of Plentiful Potions
Magic Item Category:Miscellaneous
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Beaker of Plentiful Potions
Power Level:6
Who Has This Item:Delana
Attunement:96 hours
Current Potion:

This small (half pint) flask is made of silver and engraved with mystic symbols on one side, and a gargoyle on the other. It is made by the same mage-alchemist who made the Flask of Wonder and the Silver Flask of Healing. The flask is stoppered with a screw top that attaches to the body of the flask with a silver chain.

The Beaker of Plentiful Potions contains one of four potions:
  1. Potion of Climbing
  2. Potion of Healing
  3. Potion of Heroism
  4. Potion of Strength

Once the potion is consumed, the beaker will refill 5 days later with the next potion on the list. When the last potion (strength) is consumed, it refills with the first potion on the list (climbing) and so on in a continuous loop.

The beaker requires attunement for it to refill. If no one is attuned, the potion that is in the beaker when first found can be used but the beaker will not refill.
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