Blue Mountain
Phantom Armor
Magic Item Category:Armor
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Phantom Armor
Power Level:
Who Has This Item:Isell
This set of black scale mail has the following powers:
  • Protection: +3 Protection (PROT 9)
  • Weight: -4 DEX Penalty
  • Fit: The armor will shrink or grow to fit anyone from a halfling to a giant.
  • Phantom: When not needed, the armor can be commanded to a phantom state where it can't be seen normally. Anyone looking with Power Perception will see the armor though it will look exactly like the General Knowledge Armor spell. In this state, it provides a Protection of 5 with no DEX penalty. It takes 1 second to command the armor to phantom state, and 3 seconds to command it to solid state.
  • Wraithform: Once per day, the attuned wearer can assume Wraithform exactly as the Special Knowledge Illusionist spell of the same name. Effective rank is equal to 2 + (MA / 2; round up).
  • Passwall: Once per day, the attuned wearer can touch a wall to create a Passwall effect exactly as the E&E spell of the same name. Effective rank is equal to 2 + (MA / 2; round up).

If the wearer makes an attunement roll, the protection, weight and fit benefits are gained immediately. The remaining 3 powers require 5 days of attunement.
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