Helm of Telepathy
Magic Item Category:Helm
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Helm of Telepathy
Power Level:6
Who Has This Item:Derrick
Attunement:30 days
The attuned wearer gains the following abilities:
  • Telepathy - Can read the thoughts of anyone who fails a mental save within (MA x 4) feet. The wearer must be able to understand the primary language of the target creature to read their thoughts. This ability is hampered by barriers. There cannot be more than 3' of stone, 1/4' of iron or any solid sheet of gold or lead between the target and the wearer. Conscious effort is required to pick up thoughts and the ability is directional.
  • Communication - The attuned wearer can communicate with those whose thoughts he can read via Telepathy provided they have an mutual language in common.
  • Mind Link - The attuned wearer can establish a Mind Link with another willing creature. The range to establish the link is touch. Thereafter, the target must remain within (MA x .5) miles or the Mind Link is broken. While the helm is being used for Mind Link, it cannot be used for Telepathy or Communication. This ability can be used once per day and lasts for up to (MA x 10) minutes or until broken (by the target moving out of range or something else disrupting it). A Mind Link cannot function through a Circle of Protection from Detection. Nor can it be maintained if the target is protected by a Mind Mask spell or similar magic, unless the Mind Link is established after the Mind Mask its established.
  • Mind Mask - This ability can be used once per day for (MA x 4) minutes. It duplicates the Sorceries of the Mind spell as if cast by a rank 12 caster (except with respect to duration). While this ability is being used, the helm cannot be used for any other abilities (Telepathy, Communication or Mind Link).
  • Protection - The helm provides a +2 Protection for those wearing armor (magical or mundane).
  • Psionic Battle Charm - The helm functions as a +3 Psionic Battle Charm.
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