Blue Mountain
Ring of Free Action
Magic Item Category:Ring
Class Restrictions:
(Who can use this item?)
Magic Item Name:Ring of Free Action
Power Level:5
Who Has This Item:No one
Attunement:5 days
This magical ring grants the following abilities:
  • Immunity to Spells that Hamper Mobility - The attuned wearer is immune to web, hold and slow spells.
  • Immune to Grabs - The protected character cannot be grabbed with a grab combat maneuver or other attacks that grab and hold the character (e.g., roper tentacles). The attack may succeed, but the grabbing protrusion slides right off.
  • Underwater Action - The attuned wearer can move over underwater surfaces at normal surface TMR. Melee weapons do full damage when swung underwater. The wearer is immune to the tremendous pressures of the deep sea. The ring does NOT enable the wearer to breath underwater.
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