Blue Mountain
Cause Blindness or Deafness
Name:Cause Blindness or Deafness
Spell Level:3
Area of Effect:1 creature
Casting Time:8
Saving Throw:Special
This spell requires a successful touch (successful attack roll) on the victim. If the victim rolls a successful saving throw, the effect is negated. If the saving throw is failed, a nondamaging magical blindness or deafness results.

A deafened creature can react only to what it can see or feel, and suffers a -1 penalty to surprise rolls, a +1 penalty to its initiative rolls, and a 20% chance of spell failure for spells with verbal components. A blinded creature suffers a -4 penalty to its attack rolls, a +4 penalty to its Armor Class, and a +2 penalty to its initiative rolls.

This spell can be cast while in melee combat using Unarmed Combat rules. If the cleric fails to touch the target, the spell is not cast.