Blue Mountain
Spell Level:1
Range:30 yards
Duration:1 round
Area of Effect:1 creature
Casting Time:1
Saving Throw:None
This spell enables the priest to command another creature with a single word. The command must be uttered in a language understood by the creature. The subject will obey to the best of his/its ability only as long as the command is absolutely clear and unequivocal; thus, a command of "Suicide!" is ignored. A command to "Die!" causes the creature to fall in a faint or cataleptic state for one round, but thereafter the creature revives and is alive and well. Typical commands are back, halt, flee, run, stop, fall, go, leave, surrender, sleep, rest, etc. No command affects a creature for more than one round; undead are not affected at all. Creatures with an Intelligence or a Willpower of 18 or more are entitled to a mental save to avoid the effects (targets whose INT and WP are both 18 or higher only get 1 save).