Find Shelter
Name:Find Shelter
Spell Level:2
Area of Effect:200 yard radius per cast level
Casting Time:3 rounds
Saving Throw:None
When this spell is cast, the GM will determine if there is a suitable shelter that provides some degree of protection from the elements within range of the spell. If so, the ranger will learn the direction and, after heading that way for three rounds, the distance. After two minutes of travelling, he will also gain some idea of the nature of the shelter and the size. The spell spell last for 5 minutes per cast level.

If no suitable shelter is within range, then this spell will magically assist the ranger in constructing a shelter. The ranger will gain a +20 to their Survival skill roll for constructing a shelter using available materials as well as equipment that the ranger (and others with him if appropriate) has available. In this aspect, it will last for as long as it takes to construct the shelter, usually anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.