Blue Mountain
College:White Magic
Spell Type:Special Knowledge Spell
Special Classification:None
Spell Rank Limit:22
Range:15 feet per rank
Base Chance:15
Components:Verbal, Somatic
Saving Throw:Magic - Negates
If successfully cast, this spell banishes a single summoned creature to its home plane of existance. The mage's chance of success if reduced by 3% per level of the creature over half the mage's rank with this spell. Thus, if the mage is rank 12 with this spell (half rank of 6) and he is attempting to banish a level 8 creature, his chance of successfully casting this spell is reduced by 6%.
Effect Category:
Base Cost:0
Area of Effect:1 target
Cast Chance:20
Casting Time:Normal spell
Components:See Components Above
Immunity:No Immunity
List:List Appropriate
Range:5 feet per rank
Reliability:Mostly reliable
Resistance:No save
Visibility:No visibility modifier
Active Cost
(cost after advantages):
Recommended Cost
(cost after disadvantages):