Alpha Dawn
Sonic Disruptor
Category:Beam Weapons
Weapon:Sonic Disruptor
Heavy Weapon?No
Ammunition:SEU clip or pack
Ammo Usage:4 per shot
Rate of Fire:1
STR Damage Bonus Applies?No
Damage:Varies by range
Point Blank (-0):0-2
Short (-10):3-10
Medium (-20):11-20
Long (-40):21-40
Extreme (-80):NA
Description:A sonic disruptor is a type of rifle. It is commonly called a disruptor. A sonic disrupter generates a focused sound beam. The damage it causes depends on the range. At closer ranges, it causes more damage. It causes 6d10 at point blank range, 4d10 at short range, 2d10 at medium range, and 1d10 at long range. It has no extreme range. It uses a 20 SEU clip but can also be attached to a beltpack or powerpack. A disrupter uses 4 SEU per shot. Only a sonic screen can stop its deadly beam.