Alpha Dawn
Character Generation
Rule Category:Character Generation
Rule Name:Character Design
The following steps outline the process to create a new character:
  1. If you are not already familiar with the automated character creation process on the website, create a couple of test characters to become familiar with the process. Enter the word "test" for the Validation Code. Note that test characters are automatically deleted periodically and can never be converted into a real character.
  2. When you are familiar with the process, ask the GM for two validation codes with which to create your character. You will have the option to create two characters (who MUST have different names) and choose the one you want. The discarded character will be deleted. A couple of things to note
    • Characteristics are rolled in pairs. Thus, when you initially roll your characteristics, your STR and STA will be the same, your DEX and RS will be the same, your INT and LOG will be the same and your PER and LDR will be the same.
    • Starting EXP is a computed field and is not rolled. Your starting EXP will reflect an inverse proportion to your characteristics. In other words, if you roll really high stats, you will start with less EXP, and vice versa. The formula is INT(28 - ((stat total - 240) / 20)). Starting EXP will range between 12 and 28 and most people will be in the 18-22 range.
    • Starting credits are rolled randomly. Starting credits are 1d100+250.

StrengthSTRA measure of your physical strength. Strength determines a character's chance to break open doors, bend metal, shift heavy objects or anything else requiring brute force. A character can carry up to one half of their STR score (in kg) without being encumbered. He can carry up to his STR score and still move at half speed. He can carry up to twice his STR score for a short distance.
StaminaSTAA measure of how much damage you can take and your physical endurance. A character's Stamina score is the number of points of damage the character can take before being killed. lt is the character's percent chance to resist the effects of poison, gas, drugs, disease, extreme heat or cold, starvation and fatigue.
DexterityDEXA measure of your physical coordination. A character's Dexterity score determines his base chance to hit in combat. It also is his percent chance to sense things by touch, throw or catch an object, keep his balance, jump into a moving vehicle or perform delicate actions like cutting a wire without touching any surrounding wires.
Reaction SpeedRSA measure of you hand eye coordination and ability to react to a changing situation. A character's Reaction Speed score is his percent chance to react quickly, to avoid falling rocks. to catch something he knocked over before it hits the floor. to jump away from a skimmer that is racing toward him. to grab an animal or to dive through a door before it slams shut.
IntuitionINTA character's Intuition score is his percent chance to notice small details or hidden objects, to sense an ambush or trap and, at the referee's discretion, to make sense out of seemingly unrelated or illogical facts. When a character passes an Intuition check. the referee should tell the player that he notices something unusual, and describe what the character sees (or hears, smells. feels or tastes). The player must decide what to do with this information. Referees should urge players to figure out puzzles on the1r own; Intuition checks should not be allowed until after the players have tried (and failed) to solve the puzzle themselves.
LogicLOGA character's Logic score is his percent chance to follow complicated instructions. to figure out the best way to do something he has never done before or use something he is not familiar with, and to make accurate predictions from facts. The referee should roll logic checks secretly. If the character fails the check, the referee can tell him either that he does not understand whatever he was studying, or can give him false information. A character's Logic score can be modified by the complexity of the situation and the amount of time the character spends studying it. The referee should encourage players to draw their own conclusions from information; like Intuition, Logic checks should be a last resort.
PersuasionPERPersonality affects how likely a character is to get a friendly response from a stranger and how long he can hold someone's attention. The referee should encourage players to roleplay their attempts to use Personality and talk to NPCs.

EXAMPLE: Oreevale the Vrusk has justt insulted a Gorlian thug by accidentally spilling a drink on him. The Gorlian is very mad. Dreevale decides to try talking his way out of the situation. "Oops. pardon me. my good fellow. how absolutely clumsy of me," the player says. "Here, let me buy you a drink and let's forget about it." Oreevale's Personality score is 40. The referee notes that the Gorlian is mad and wet and itching for a fight. He tells Oreevale to subtract 20 from his score. Oreevale rolls 91 , which is greater than his modified score of 20. The Gorlian punches Dreevale.
LeadershipLDRA character's leadership score reflects his ability to command with authority and have NPCs obey his orders. leadership checks are needed only if a character orders an NPC to do something dangerous, or has mistreated the NPC. Under normal conditions, NPCs who work for a character will always obey that character. If characters try to give orders to strangers, the referee must decide how likely the stranger is to obey.

Leadership also is used to bargain with NPCs. The referee should not let characters with high Leadership scores trade junk for valuable merchandise. but a successful leadership check will get a better deal for the character, or convince reluctant NPCs to deal with the character. Characters cen bargain for information as well as merchandise.

More information about the effect of leadership on NPCs can be found in the rule section on NPCs.

After creating your character, you may open it online and purchase skills.
  • Advantage Skill - During the character creation process, you choose a Primary Skill Area (PSA). Skills within your PSA can be purchased and improved with experience points (EXP) at base cost while skills outside your PSA are purchased and improved at double cost. However, you may choose a single Advantage Skill that you can get for cheaper than double cost (but not as cheap as base cost). Once you decide on the skill, let the GM know and he will make the change to the back end document for the skill cost to correctly calculate.

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