Alpha Dawn
        Crash on Volturnus
Campaign:Alpha Dawn
Adventure:Crash on Volturnus
Turn Number:1.0
Turn Start Date:600166
Turn End Date:600171
Combat Turn?No
Subject:Journey to Volturnus







Luck Pts

Fate Pts

Alyson Worth




Military Skeinsuit











Carter d'Marshian








Ciara Anne Preston








George Fury




Military Skeinsuit



Gorman Blake








Jim Jitsu




Civilian Skeinsuit



Mykel Dronvere




Military Skeinsuit



S'lch Vatal








The Serena Dawn departs the space station orbiting Pale three hours late due to some last minute maintenance item that had to be addressed prior to the Serena Dawn being cleared for departure. As required by law, the passengers are put through some basic drills on what to do and where to go in the event of various types of emergencies. For an evacuation order, the passengers are shown the location of the various lifeboats on each level of the ship. Passengers are told that, in the event of an evacuation order, head for the nearest lifeboat. They are also told that when the door of the lifeboat is closed, the lifeboat will launch within one minute and is programmed to automatically head for the nearest planet. An automated radio beacon is also activated so that searchers can home in on to easily find the lifeboat after it lands.

The departure from the Truane's Star system is uneventful for those who have traveled in a spaceship before but a novelty for those making their first trip. Soon the ship accelerates to light speed for the passage to Zebulon, a passage that newer ships can easily make in five days but that will take the Serena Dawn almost seven.

The Serena Dawn is an old ship and once was the stately queen of her fleet but has been through too many passages and has changed owners from first rate corporations who were proud to build her and advertise her charms to smaller and smaller operators who valued profits over maintenance and so the old ship has not aged gracefully. Nevertheless, the old charm can still be seen in places if you know where to look.

The Serena Dawn is not a small ship. She was originally built as a space liner that could carry over a thousand passengers in comfort. However, as ownership changed, so to did the mission of the ship such that now many of the decks have been gutted and cleared for cargo, making the Serena Dawn a glorified tramp ship. She can now carry only about 200 passengers. For the trip to Volturnus, she has 138 passengers and 49 crew, about a third of whom are in positions dedicated to the care and maintenance of the passengers.

Passengers who so desire are given grand tours of the Serena Dawn, from bridge to engineering. They are told which areas are off limits to passengers and where they can freely intermingle. Passenger cabins can be found on the Bridge Deck as well as the next several decks below it. The main passenger lounge and cafeteria are three decks below the Bridge Deck. The only deck above the Bridge Deck is called the Machine Deck and holds sickbay and various auxiliary engineering spaces. Deck plans are posted on every level.

GM: All of the player characters have cabins on the Bridge Deck. I have placed your tokens in the cabin. The exceptions are Jim Jitsu and S'lch Vatal. Their tokens are on the Machine Deck. Their cabin is the same one where Carter's token is located. For those who do not have access to Maptool. I will send images of the two decks shortly.

GM: The following paragraph applies to everyone except Carter, S'lch and Jim.

You hear the sound of scuffling outside your cabin. After the scuffling continues for a couple of seconds, a man cries "Help". A loud thud follows the man's cry. Somewhat alarmed, you throw back your covers and leap out of bed.

GM: You are currently dressed in whatever your character would wear when sleeping.

ALYSON: She wakes when she heard thud. Plus the word help. She will peek outside by just cracking her door open to allow her to see with her eye.

MYKEL: "What the heck? What time is it?” Mykel mumbles blearily to himself. He checks the chronometer. “It’s the middle of the night. Can’t a guy get some sleep?” he grumbles. Mykel opens the door to his cabin, but only a bit. If some passenger is on a drunk and looking for a fight, Mykel would prefer to not be his next target.

ALZARIX: jumping out of bed at the noise he quickly grabs his knife and heads towards the door of his room. Once there he puts his ear against the door and listens for any more activity outside I the hallway.

GORMAN: Gorman hears the cry for help from outside one of the two doors of his room, probably the aft door. He leaps out of bed and reaches for his medkit. Then, remembering that he is not dressed, he grabs his coverall from the back of the chair and quickly it on. Then he grabs the medkit and heads out the door, checking the time on his chronocom as he does so.

GORMAN (OOC): This might be more than one turn of actions. If you need an RS check, here it is. His RS is 35 [rolled 21].

CIARA: Ciara stood there staring towards the door in darkness for a moment, trying to make sense of what she heard. Was this a dream she asked herself? Her brain responded over and over this is not right. She confirmed the time and grabbed her favorite dark gray hoodie. Stepping over towards the door, she quickly put it on and zipped it up. She listened at the door then cautiously opened it, peering into the hallway.


GM: The following turn applies to Jim and S'lch.

Jim and S'lch are both on duty. There is not much happening and they are between rounds where they would be walking through the various parts of the ship checking auxiliary gear. Both are in the repair shop and are somewhat bored. They have about 10 minutes before they are scheduled to begin their next round. The door to the repair shop opens and both turn to look. Chon Smit, who should be on duty in the auxiliary control room next door, steps inside and raises a laser pistol. "Back against the wall, both of you!" he shouts.

S'lch: The vrusk was taken by surprise and was a bit confused. Was this some kind of prank? He slowly begain to follow instructions but he could not help but ask, "What are you doing Chon?"

GM: It does not look to either Jim or S'Lch that Chon is expecting any resistance. S'lch is too far away to do anything and would almost certainly get shot if he tried. However, Jim is only a couple of steps away.

S'lch: OOC he is not a combat trained person so until things change S'lch will be a good little hostage.

GM: Go ahead and let me know what you want to do. Keep in mind that, except for Jim, those with skeinsuits are not currently wearing them. If you want to don your skeinsuit, it will take three rounds, or two if you make a successful RS check (roll equal to or less than your RS on percentile dice).

JIM: "Hey Silch,....Woah, Smit, what the freaking universe, no trouble dude...."

JIM: Jim runs a bluff with hands up before kicking the sheeeyit out of Smit [rolled ] for bluff to close distance regardless of where the bluff works Jim is going to kick the living shit out of Smit for pointing a gun at him and because he never really liked Smit.,he was always a prick in Jim's mind so two melee attacks [rolled ] and [rolled ]

GM: Fixing the die rolls.
JIM TECH: Bluff [rolled (17) Success]
JIM: Martial Arts Attack 1 - Init [rolled 8], Need 34 to hit [rolled 44], Dmg 4
JIM: Martial Arts Attack 2 - Init [rolled 13], Need 34 to hit [rolled 71], Dmg 4

S'lch: With Jim going all kung fu, S'lch calls for help

S'lch: OCC While the player knows this is a bigger deal, S'lch does not. So far this is just a single guy going crazy to him. But S'lch knows the proper protocol for dealing with such and the player does not. I would assume there is a security team or person currently in charge that he should contact and report the incident too (or at least try to).

GM: Absolutely correct. The right thing to do is to call the bridge and report what is going on so they can dispatch someone from the master-at-arms division.

S'lch: OOC Any chance that the crews Chronocoms are linked to the ships comm systems? I think this would make a lot of sense but the rules do not cover it and talk about intercom panels for intraship communications.

GM: Yes, you can flip to a specific channel on the Chronocom for intraship communications.

George is awakened by a distant shout, as much imagined as heard. He rolls over and sees that the bunk opposite is empty, indicating that Ensign Landry is out and about. Hardly unusual. He sits up and peers at his chronocom. Such awakenings were quite common at the academy and George automatically reaches for his work uniform (military skeinsuit) as he rises.

ENSIGN FURY: It will take him 3 turns to don the skeinsuit, or 2 if he makes his RS check. His RS is only 25 so he must roll 25 or less - [rolled 13].


While both S'lch and Jim reassure Chon that they have no intention of resisting as he points a laser pistol at them, only S'lch is telling the truth. Nevertheless, Chon believes them and relaxes his guard fractionally - just enough for Jim to surprise him with a martial arts kick that bruises his leg. Jim follows up with a punch but Chon avoids it.

GM: Chon loses his attack with the successful Bluff and attack. Both Jim and S'lch can send their actions for turn 2.

S'LCH: With Jim going on the attack the vrusk drops prone behind the repair shops solid work table. Triggering his com S'lch calls the bridge. "Workshop to Bridge. Chon's going crazy with a gun and we need help." He hopes help comes quickly.

JIM: Jim Jitsu is enjoying the fight, he hasn't had a good sparring match in a while but he also knows he cannot stop now, He unleashes a flurry of blows.
JIM TECH: Init [rolled 10]
JIM TECH: Attack 1, Success Rate 34 [rolled 78], Dmg 4
JIM TECH: Attack 2, Success Rate 34 [rolled 58], Dmg 4

Chon screams at Jim, "WHAT THE HELL YOU DOING, YOU STINKING KRUGMUCK!" as he shoots. His first shot nearly parts Jim's air while the second burns a hole in the repair shop's expensive Omegoscope. Sparks fly in the now useless machine. Jim attempts to strike the man using his martial arts skill but Chon is able to avoid the attacks.

S'lch triggers the transmit button on his chronocom and tries to remain cool as he reports the situation. The somewhat frantic voice of the third mate comes back to him and says, "I sent Chon to escort you to the bridge! Don't give him trouble." The end of the transmission is all but drowned out by the sound of an automatic pistol firing in the background. Clearly something violent is happening on the bridge.

GM: S'lch notices that there are a number of well balanced tools on the workbench. And Chon seems much more focused on Jim and may not notice S'lch coming up behind him.

Alyson pads over the to door wearing only the clothes she normally sleeps in. She pushes the button to slide open the door and then immediately pushes it again so that it stops opening when there is enough of a crack for her to see through it. Just down the passage, she sees two crew members. One is on the floor unconscious while the other stands over him, with balled fists. He does not seem to notice Alyson.

Meanwhile, just a bit further down the passage, Mykel has also opened his door a bit to peer out. He has to stick his head out in order to see down the corridor. He also sees the two stewards, one lying on the floor. He also notes the slightly opened door to Alyson's stateroom.

Ciara took the time to throw on a hoodie before heading to the door and listening. She hears nothing out of the ordinary.

Alzarix also pads over to the door to listen, pausing only long enough to grab his knife. He too hears nothing.

The steward, whom Alyson and Mykel have both seen before during the trip from Pale, has his back to them. It is clear to both that he got into a fight with the other steward and knocked him unconscious.

GM: All four can send their actions for turn 2. Keep in mind your state of attire and what you equipment you have in hand.

ALYSON: She is going to put on her skeinsuit.
ALYSON TECH: RS 55 [rolled 48]

MYKEL: Steps halfway through the door, keeping enough of himself in his room so he can quickly duck back inside and close the door if necessary. “Woa! What happened here?” he says to the steward.

ALZRIX: Not hearing anything he reaches over and presses the button to open up his door. He quickly reverses his knife and holds it so it is hidden by his arm and harder for anyone to see; then steps out into the hallway and looks around. Upon seeing the two crewmen, one down and one up he will speak up, "Hey! Everything alright over there?" He will start to walk in there direction.

CIARA: Just before she opens her door, she decides to put on her boots. Once done, she'll open her door to see what the commotion is all about.
CIARA TECH: RS 65 [rolled 78]

GORMAN: Once he has his coverall on, he grabs his Medkit and heads for the door. He looks both ways to see what is going on.

Alyson keys her door shut as she grabs her skeinsuit and dons it.

GM: She will be thus occupied through all of turn 2 and 3 and can act again in turn 4.

Ciara quickly dons her boots, or tries to as one of them goes askew nearly causing her to fall. She rights it and stick her foot inside.

GM: Donning her boots takes the rest of turn 2. She can act again on turn 3.

Both Mykel and Alzarix step into the corridor, Mykel slightly prior to the yazirian as his door is already partly open. Mykel starts to say something but the steward interjects and shouts at both Mykel and Alzarix, "GET BACK IN YOUR CABINS NOW AND TEND TO YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" The man seems uncomfortable that he is stuck between a large, tough-looking human and a notoriously angry yazirian. However, he sees something behind Alzarix that boosts his spirit and he shows no signs of backing down.

Alzarix sees movement behind him and glances down the corridor in the other direction. A man in a spacesuit steps around the corner holding an automatic pistol.

Gorman opens his door and sees the back of Mykel but senses high tension in the corridor. He can't see much but from all of the shouting, something is clearly happening.

Carter is finally awakened by the distant shouting and comes awake in the room that he shares with Jim and S'lch.

GM: Ensign Fury gets his skeinsuit on and can act in turn 3.

TURN 3-4 - Turns

ALYSON: After putting on her Skinsuit she will look and see what is up. She will again as quietly open her door a crack and looks."

ALZARIX: (GM) not really sure here.. is a space suit like a skeinsuit...armored?

JIM: Space suits can have armor (see KHs) but not neccessarily all the time.

ALZARIX: (GM) the man's spacesuit does it have any markings on it? UPF, Selena Dawn, or other logos or indications of group affiliations. What condition is the suit in?

ALZARIX: Thinking to himself {1) a struggle and man down looks to be both crew. 2) A steward that is yelling, rude and aangry when he should be calming tring to get the passenger to hold in place. 3) A Person in a spacesuit with gun in hand in the hallways of the ship.} Equals Trouble

GM: The space suit has no government marking on it. It does not look to be armored.

ALZARIX: He stats and looks back and forth between the two, the steward and the spaceman. "What's going on here?"

ALZARIX: He will stand there ready to react to the changing conditions. (GM) not quite sure what action to take right now. Clues and assumptions but still could be going either way. So hold action for round 3. I guess if I get attacked I will attack back.

ALZARIX: strike with knife init roll of [rolled 15] strike chance of 50 rolled a [rolled 64] and damage of [rolled 11].

GORMAN: Seeing a steward acting obnoxious, but not seeing the guy at the other end of the hallway in a spacesuit and holding a gun, Gorman decides to turn the other way and see if he can find a crew member that can help resolve the problem. He shrugs his medkit, which has straps that allow it to be worn as a backpack, onto his back as he runs.

GORMAN: Will move at a run, turning right out of his room, then right down the next hall and then right again down the hallway where he knows that crew members have their staterooms. Here is a DEX roll if you need it. DEX 50 [rolled 44].

S'LCH: The response from the bridge left the Vrusk a bit confused. So he stopped a took a moment to think things through. The gun shot on the bridge and Chon actions we a clear sign that something was wrong. Maybe a high jacking or mutiny? Either way Jim was with him and not involved. He could trust Jim The question was what side was Chon and the third mate on? If they were part of the bad guys then he needed to help Jim and stop them. If they were the good guys then they needed to ally with them and help restore order to the ship.

S'LCH: OOC Lets go for a Comprehension roll and see if he can figure things out Need 15 or less [rolled 97]

S'LCH: While his brain was churning trying to figure things out, the Vrusk decided to act on what he was sure of, Jim was an ally. S'lch peeked above the table top to get there current location. While so doing noticed the miss placed spanner. Well beggars could not be choosers he grabbed it and then began move toward the fight while trying not to draw attention to himself.

S'LCH: OOC I figure stealthy movement might take a bit but I am unsure how to do an untrained skill check.

GM: S'lch gains no additional insight from him Comprehension ability. Your chance to hit with the spanner is equal to half DEX or half STR (whichever is better) plus 10% per rank of melee weapons skill. If you have no melee weapons skill, then it is just half DEX or STR. For S'lch that means his chance to hit is 23% base. Damage is 1d10+2. Be sure to also include an initiative roll (1d10+5 for S'lch). Since he is being sneaking in turn 3, his attack will happen on turn 4 so go ahead and send it now.

S'LCH: Attack Turn 4 Init [rolled 9] Attack roll [rolled (95) Failure] Damage if successful [rolled 7]

JIM: Jim spies S'lch and as part of his engagement with Chon adjusts his foot work to help ensure that Chon is bracketed between him and S'lch which will convey a combat advantage. [+20 to melee]

JIM: He follows up with a combination punch [rolled 48] 34% or 54% with S'lch attacking from behind and [rolled 55] 34% or 54%

CIARA (OOC): S'lch is pretty smart so I consider it reasonable that he'd conclude that Chon is a bad guy. Chon busts into the repair shop pointing a gun at you two and commands you to get back against the wall. When would that behavior be considered reasonable? The only situation that occurs to me is that if he and others thought you two were the bad guys and up to no good. I don't personally know how naval crews would handle this but I'd expect that at least two security personnel would be accompanying him. Considering he's solo wouldn't it make more sense for him to order you to the bridge in a normal tone of voice without the gun? The fact he's threatening deadly force is a sure red flag in my mind. Then when you contact the bridge, the third mate tells you he sent Chon to escort you to the bridge. Add in the gunfire on the bridge and it's clear something is going down. We don't really know who's on what side but Chon and the third mate clearly see you both as a threat. Since you know you're innocent, I think it's logical that you'd assume he's either under the influence or is a bad guy.

MYKEL: His first instinct is to confront the steward to see what’s going on – stewards should not be assaulting other crew or passengers – but something catches his eye. Someone in a spacesuit steps around the corner with a pistol in hand. While he might take his chances in his skivvies with an unarmed steward, automatic weapons are another thing entirely. Something was up. Something bad. Mykel steps back into his room, seeming to comply with the stewards commands. He immediately starts donning his skeinsuit and collecting his gear.

MYKEL: RS Check (60 or less): [rolled 77]

CIARA: The sounds from the hallway sound more alarming to Ciara. Now she really wants to know what's happening out there and in the middle of the night! Returning to the door, Ciara opens it and peers into the hallway trying to make sense of it all.

TURN 3-4 - Resolution

Up in the Repair shop, Jim continues to battle the enraged Chon. All too often, Chon is able to avoid his attacks but he finally lands a good kick. For his part, Chon continues to shoot his laser pistol at Chon. He fires four more shots and finally hits with one of them, burning a very painful wound across Jim's chest.

GM: Jim took 14 damage from the laser shot. Also, I only received 2 attacks from Jim and needed 4 (2 for turn 3 and 2 for turn 4). I went ahead and rolled his turn 4 attacks and he hit once.

S'lch grabs a spanner from the workbench and eases around behind Chon. Unfortunately Chon is aware of the vrusk and manages to avoid the hit.

GM: S'lch has a +20 to his chance to hit Chon because he is attacking from behind.

Both S'lch and Jim are well aware that Chon has now fired 6 shots from his laser pistol. Neither are experts on beam weapons but their hope is that he will soon run out of power for the weapon. His missed shots have certainly taken their toll on the repair shop.

Meanwhile, in the corridor on the Bridge Deck, things are heating up. The newly arrived man in a spacesuit has changed the equation immensely with the automatic pistol that he is carrying. Alzarix asks what is going on and the man replies, "I really hate monkeys." With that, he fires his pistol at Alzarix. Fortunately he does not have it set on autofire. Two of the shots whiz harmlessly by but the third grazes Alzarix (for 2 damage).

Alzarix, angry now (go ahead and roll for Battle Rage), moves up and reveals his knife as he attacks the spacesuited pirate. His first attack misses but his second attack leaves a shallow cut across the mans upper arm, rendering his spacesuit useless until he can repair it. However, the pirate continues to fire at Alzarix and hits him twice more (for 10 more damage).

As Alzarix is attacking the pirate, a door behind the pirate opens and Alzarix sees a man in a UPF uniform (skeinsuit) step out. Alzarix has seen the man before and remembers that he is heading for the UPF Outpost on Volturnus. The man's eyes widen as he takes in the situation. He quickly decides that the man with the pistol needs to be subdued and he moves up to help Alzarix. He has no weapons and is left to attack with bare fists. He is behind the pirate though and the pirate has a more difficult time avoiding his blows. He connects with a couple of solid blows.

Meanwhile, at the other end of the hallway, Gorman runs in the opposite direction in an effort to find help. He bangs on the first door he reaches that leads to crew quarters, awakening the technician inside.

GM: This is Carter's queue. He opens the door and sees one of the passengers, a young doctor by the name of Gorman Blake, standing there and reporting violence in the next hallway over. Carter can start sending his actions on turn 5.

Alyson finishes donning her skeinsuit and moves back to the door. She hears the sounds of a firearm being fired repeatedly further down the hall. She cracks open the door and sees the steward looking back.

Across the hallway, Ciara sees and hears the same things at about the some time. Both Alyson and Ciara, directly across from each other, have their doors opened slightly. The steward sees both and yells, "GET BACK IN YOUR ROOMS AND KEEP THE DOORS CLOSED!" Neither Ciara nor Alyson see any weapons on the man.

A bit further down, Mykel has retreated back into his room to don his skeinsuit. This will take him turns 3, 4 and 5 and he can act again on turn 6.

On turns 3 and 4, pandemonium really begins to reign. Other passengers in some of the other cabins are exiting to find violence and death. There are screams and shouts intermingled with frequent weapon fire.

GM: Let's go ahead and continue to do 2 turns at a time. Send me your actions for turns 5 and 6. Those using fists or martial arts get 2 attacks per turn so will send 4 attacks. Those using melee weapons (knife or spanner) get one attack per turn so send 2 attacks with damage. S'lch and Ensign Fury both gain a +20 to their attacks because they are behind their opponent. Alzarix can attempt a Battle Rage roll (only 5% chance) and, if he makes it, will gain a +20 to his chances to hit.

TURN 5-6 - Turns

AlysonALYSON:She smiles and says,"I do not think so." She opens the door more and rushes at the guy going for his waist.

OOC She has no HTH skill.
AlzarixALZARIX: Battle rage roll need 5 or less: [rolled 82]

ALZARIX: He grins as he continues to attack the Spacesuited man. Attacking with his knife needs a 50 or less [rolled 1] with an initiative of [rolled 13] for [rolled 5] damage.

ALZARIX: After landing a solid blow with his knife last round. He continues to with a follow up strike attacking on imitative [rolled 10] Rolled [rolled 29] to hit for [rolled 7] damage.
CarterCARTER: Hearing that there was violence amongst the passengers, Carter will first don his skeinsuit and then head to the passenger's quarters.

TECH: RS 60 [rolled 13]
CiaraCIARA: The student glances up and down the hallway in disbelief. She returns her gaze to the steward with a wary look on her face. "What is happening here?!" she asks him in a louder voice than she intended.

CIARA (GM): Ciara's not used to combat so I'm purposefully playing her slow right now.
GeorgeENSIGN FURY: George has no idea what is going on but the presence of a man in a spacesuit indiscriminately firing a gun at unarmed passengers tells him that something needs to be done. George has never been one to fight with his fists but he doesn't seem to have any alternative. Every time the man shoots at the yazirian passenger, George cringes and redoubles his efforts.

ENSIGN FURY: Turn 5 - Initiative [rolled 8]
ENSIGN FURY: Attack 1, 43% [rolled 32], Dmg 3
ENSIGN FURY: Attack 2, 43% [rolled 7], Dmg 3

ENSIGN FURY: Turn 6 - Initiative [rolled 10]
ENSIGN FURY: Attack 1, 43% [rolled 24], Dmg 3
ENSIGN FURY: Attack 2, 43% [rolled 7], Dmg 3

ENSIGN FURY: +20 bonus for attacking from behind is included in his 43% bonus.
GormanGORMAN: With Carter awake, Gorman heads back to the other corridor with his medical kit to see if he can help. He's heard sounds of gunfire so he will be cautious.
JimJIM: More whack a mole on Chon

JIM: Init: [rolled 8], Need 34 or less to hit [rolled 3], Dmg: 4, need 34 of less to hit [rolled 98] Dmg: 4

JIM: and more whack a mole on Chon

JIM: Init: [rolled 7], Need 34 or less to hit [rolled 48], Dmg: 4, need 34 of less to hit [rolled 6] Dmg: 4

JIM: Invoking nerve combat subskill on Chon, first punch knocked him out and he goes down.
JIM: Jim quickly searches Chon looting and valuables like credit chits or jewelry.
JIM: He will also check damage in shop and round up a technician's tool kit.
JIM: @ S'lch, "Thanks buddy. You have any skill or training with a laser?"
S'lchS'LCH: Attack Turn 5 Init [rolled 10] Attack roll [rolled (45) Near Success] Damage if successful [rolled 5] +20 Bonus Included

S'LCH: Attack Turn 6 Init [rolled 10] Attack roll [rolled (30) Success] Damage if successful [rolled 8] +20 Bonus Included

TURN 5-6 - Resolution

Up in the repair shop, S'lch attacks Chon with the spanner, which glances off his shoulder, stinging a bit. Then Jim hits Chon with a martial arts punch that decks the technician. Chon falls to the ground unconscious, but far from dead. Jim quick grabs the laser pistol and notes with disgust that the power is down to only 10% (2 SEU remaining on the 20 SEU clip).

"Thanks buddy," he says to his Vrusk co-worker. "You have any skill or training with a laser?"

S'LCH: Watching as Jim searches the man the vrusk replies. "No I am a bit familar with automatics but not lasers

GM: A quick search of Chon (with what is left of turn 5 and 6) reveals a handful of credits and, in a belt sheath under his shirt, a fully charged Vibroknife.

Back down on the bridge deck, things remain hectic.

Mykel finishes donning his skeinsuit and heads back to the corridor. There he sees Alyson rush out the door of her room at the steward. The steward seems a bit taken aback by the unexpected rush but avoids her anyway. They come to blows while Ciara tries to press for more information. She is a bit unnerved by the sudden brawl and sounds of gunfire. Alyson gets in one solid hit but so does the steward. Alyson takes 3 damage from the punch and delivers 2 with her attack.

Mykel moves up but is unable to get past Alyson to try to subdue the steward. He also hears the sounds of weapon fire coming from further down the hallway where he sees a yazarian battling a spacesuited figure with a gun.

Alzarix is armed with a knife and gets in a crucial though non-lethal hit on the man. The pirate drops to the ground, unconscious but not dead. His pistol drops to the ground next to him. Glancing down the hall, Alzarix sees two more spacesuited pirates, one at each end of the hall. The one to his right is at the next intersection and has a blackjack in one hand. He has something in the other hand that he tosses down one of the side halls, perhaps at some unseen though audibly panicked passengers. There follows the sound of a tangler grenade exploding with a loud hiss and pop. The pirate is standing in profile to Alzarix.

To the left, at the entrance to the air lock, is another pirate. This one is moving forward towards Alzarix and is armed with a nightstick. Seeing that the UPF officer (George) is not armed, he attacks the yazirian, hitting him for 9 damage. Alzarix hits the pirate with his knife for 7 damage.

George sees much of the same things as Alzarix and attacks the new pirate with his fists. Because the pirate is focusing on Alzarix, George is able to land 4 solid blows for a total of 12 damage.

Carter, having been awaked by Gorman, takes the time to don his skeinsuit. He is done by the end of turn 6.

Meanwhile, Gorman returns to the other corridor.

GM: Two of the bad guys were dropped in turns 5 and 6 due to the Alpha Dawn knock out rules (01 or 02 is automatic knock out). For Martial Artists, they get an additional +1 per level so, for Jim, it is 01-03. This is also a good reason to eventually buy a level or 2 of Combat Luck - so that if you are hit with a knock out blow, you can use a Luck point to try to avoid it.

GM: Go ahead and send your actions for turn 7 and 8. Remember to send 1 initiative roll for each turn, along with your actions.

TURN 7-8 - Turns

AlysonALYSON: Init Turn 6 [rolled 12]
ALYSON: Attack 7 38% [rolled 55]
ALYSON: Attack 7 38% [rolled 50]

ALYSON: Init Turn 7 [rolled 10]
ALYSON: Attack 7 38% [rolled 21]
ALYSON: Attack 7 38% [rolled 11]
AlzarixALZARIX: Straight from one opponent to another...... with a snarl he lashes out with his knife at the club wielding pirate.

Round 7 attack initiative of [rolled 17] strike chance of [rolled (31) Success] and damage of [rolled 4]

Round 8 attack initiative of [rolled 11] strike chance of [rolled (98) Absolute Failure!] and damage of [rolled 6]
CiaraCIARA: Ciara gapes at the unfolding melee in the hallway, still standing in her doorway. She jumps at the explosion of the grenade in the adjacent hallway. "Wh-wh-what is going on here?" she stammers, clearly in some form of shock.
GeorgeGEORGE: George waffle briefly between grabbing the unconscious man's auto pistol, and attacking the new comer and decides to attack the new comer, hoping the other man will be down for the count. Surprised at his effectiveness with his fists, he hopes to help his yazirian compatriot with this new menace.

GEORGE: Turn 7 initiative [rolled 10], Needs 43% to hit if still behind, attack 1 [rolled 17], attack 2 [rolled 82], damage is 3 points.
GEORGE: Turn 8 initiative [rolled 4], Needs 43% to hit if still behind, attack 1 [rolled 19], attack 2 [rolled 68], damage is 3 points.
GormanGORMAN: With too many people in front of him, Gorman decides to head back the way he came. He recalls that there is an entrance to the airlock in the corridor where he awoke the crew member and that airlock has a passage leading back to this area from the other side.

GORMAN TECH: Will move at a run back to the corridor where's Carter's room is, run past the room to the airlock, through the airlock door and then through the next door to the right. Don't know how much he can do in turns 7 and 8 but he will end up behind the pirate that is attacking Alzarix and George. That assumes he doesn't run into anything before then. Of course he is not aware of the battle between Alzarix and the pirate.

GORMAN: If Mykel or Carter have an interest in following him, he will explain that he is just circling around. He wants to be able to tend to any wounded - and with the number of shots he's heard, he assumes there will be some.
Jim & S'lchJIM: Jim says to S'lch, "What the hell is going on?"

S'LCH: "I contacted the bridge. The third mate said he was our 'escort to the bridge' and there was gun fire on the bridge. Whatever it is it is bigger then one guy with a gun."

JIM: Snatching up an extra roll of ion bonding tape (which is common enough in the shop) and tosses it to S'lch, "Here, do you mind binding him while I run a bluff?"

S'LCH: Catching the tossed tape, S'lch goes to work.

JIM: Jim takes Chon's chronocom, practices Chon's voice as best he can and keys it for the last number contacted. Best to keep this brief, "Its Chon, I had to put two down, orders?"

JIM: Roll for bluff needs 65 or less [rolled 69]
MykelMYKEL: Unable to get past the brawling woman and steward, Mykel tries to join the fight – something’s gone bad and this steward is apparently part of it…

MYKEL: If he can join the melee, he will attack the steward; if not he’ll look around to see (and hear) what else is going on.
S'lchSee Jim's turn above.

TURN 7-8 - Resolution

On the upper deck, Chon is down and S'lch is quite liberal in his use of the ion bonding tape in securing their hapless prisoner. Jim removes Chon's chronocom and speaks into it on the currently set channel, "Its Chon, I had to put two down, orders?"

The voice that comes back sounds irritable but not overly suspicious, "You know your orders. Jump to it." Neither Jim nor S'lch recognize the voice. The channel used was not the standard ship channel.

Meanwhile, down on the Bridge Deck, the brawl in the passage between Alyson and the steward continues. The steward lands one solid blow causing 3 points of damage to Alyson. Alyson gets in a couple of blows that cause a total of 4 damage to the steward. Meanwhile, the angry steward mouths a string of obscenities at Alyson, describing exactly what he will do with her. Amongst the vile phrases, both Alyson and Ciara realize that the man is not acting alone and is part of a group of pirates intent on taking over the Serena Dawn.

Mykel is right behind Alyson but is not able to get past her to join the melee against the steward. Behind him, he hears Gorman say, "I'm going to circle around." Mykel thinks that is a good idea and decides to circle around the other way. As he does so, he passes a few panicked passengers running in the opposite direction. He reaches the third passage and runs down it, passing a couple more passengers. He reaches the scene of the tangler grenade blast and sees two passengers trapped in the sticky mess. He maneuvers past them and sees a spacesuited figure at the intersection ahead. The man is armed with a wicked looking blackjack.

GM: Mykel does not quite reach the pirate by the end of turn 8. He can close and attack on turn 9 if he so chooses. He is currently about 6 meters away.

Gorman meanwhile, ran the other way. He finds himself in a small crowd of fleeing passengers. He dodges among them and makes it to the door of the airlock as it is still open from another passenger fleeing through it just ahead of Gorman.

In his stateroom, Carter noticed Gorman running by and decides to head in that same direction.

GM: Gorman is in the airlock and at the door of the passage leading back towards the cabins. He can open it and go through next turn. Carter is directly behind him.

Ciara is looking out into the hall. Directly in front of her is the female ensign (Alyson) she has seen several times on the trip. The officer is engaged in a fistfight with the steward. She is blocking the door and preventing Ciara from going anywhere.

At the intersection, Alzarix and Ensign Fury are busy battling another pirate. He is armed with a vicious looking black metal club with a death's head painted on the end. It is all Alzarix can do to try to avoid the heavy weapon while still trying to neutralize the pirate with his knife. He is successful in avoiding the club buy manages only a slight cut against the pirate. Behind the pirate, George manages to get in a couple more solid hits with his fists doing another 6 damage. The pirate grunts in pain but grimaces and shows no signs of surrender or flight.

GM: Pirate B has been reduced to half Stamina, which means that he now suffers a -10 to his chance to hit.

GM: I will send an updated Bridge Deck map shortly.
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