Alpha Dawn
        Crash on Volturnus
Campaign:Alpha Dawn
Adventure:Crash on Volturnus
Turn Number:1.2
Turn Start Date:600171
Turn End Date:600171
Combat Turn?No
Subject:Searching the Serena Dawn







Luck Pts

Fate Pts

Alyson Worth




Military Skeinsuit











Carter d'Marshian








Ciara Anne Preston








George Fury




Military Skeinsuit



Gorman Blake








Jim Jitsu




Civilian Skeinsuit



Mykel Dronvere




Military Skeinsuit



S'lch Vatal








ALZARIX: He will pocket an everflame and a multi tool. The other stuff he will grab and see if anyone need a weapon, as I suspect there are more pirates aboard.....somewhere. he will also need to be get his gear from his room before moving on from here.

CIARA: The young student followed the others' lead and started to search the downed pirates. She is visibly hesitant as she started to rifle through their pockets. What am I doing, she thought to herself. Will we get in trouble for this or will I get kicked off the field study if the others find out? Wait, will there even be a field study now? Her thoughts were racing as this crazy situation continued on its improbable path.

S'LCH: Seeing the human's hesitation, "Remember they might be carrying proof of their crimes or who else was involved, or something to free themselves. We need to do this."

GM: Each of the pirates was wearing a chronocom and had some credits in their pockets. Between all of the subdued and killed pirates, you find a total of 140 credits. You also find a small assortment of other stray pocket type stuff such as everflames (x3), cigarettes (x3 partial packs) and multitools (x2). None of the pirates were wearing skeinsuits and all were wearing spacesuits except the steward that you initially encountered. The steward had a passkey for all of the passenger cabins (but not crew cabins) on this level.

S'LCH: The vrusk will take all the chronocoms, (in the hopes of pulling evidence from them) and any everflames or multitools he encounters (because they might be used to escape). As a member of the crew he will feel responsible for holding on to the passkey, until it can be turned over to the proper authorities. He will ignore the cash and random stuff.

ENSIGN FURY: With the last pirate down, George looks around. "What now," he asks. The question is not entirely rhetorical but he suspects that no one else has a good answer.

ENSIGN FURY: "Does anyone have any idea what is going on or how pirates in spacesuits managed to board the ship?"

S'LCH: The vrusk had no answer for how they got on board but he had a clear answer for what now. "The bridge. There was fighting on the bridge. If the pirates get and hold the bridge we are in even more serious trouble."
CARTER: Will take an Everflame and a multitool. Have we heard anything more from the pirate's comm device?

GM: Both multitools have already been claimed, one by Alzarix and the other by S'lch. I added the final everflame for Carter.

CARTER (GM): As a computer tech, his initial desire is to head to computer room, but does he think that the pirates will already there in force?

ALZARIX: "I think the bridge or the engine rooms would be important to get to. Let me get get dressed real quick and we can be on our way."

ALZARIX: After getting his clothes on (vest and equipment harness and slinging on his tool kit backpack. He is ready to go. The gunshot wounds will just have to be taken care of later.... if there is a later.

ALZARIX: Once out in the hall again, "who wants a night stick or a whip? The stick seems to be a good weapon." He will hand them to who ever wants them.

ALZARIX: (GM) he has the vibro knife with a few charges used. You have S`lich with it still.

GM: This has been fixed.

JIM JITSU: Jim announces to the passengers, "I don't know whats going on but Chon and the 3rd officer are involved. I ran a bluff with Chon's chronocom and the 3rd officer did not recognize my voice and stated, 'You have your orders.'

JIM JITSU: It seems to me their first order of business was to coral anyone not part of their plot and these wa-hoos in vacuum suits came from somewhere. As i see it we need 3 things: more information, more weapons, and a plan for dealing with opposition; something along the lines of all but one of us able to fight up front and one fighter watching our tail and not fighters among us in the middle. Seeking more info and equipment/weapons might be advisable before trying to take the engine room or bride. Oh yeah, I saved Chon's chronocom on the off chance I can use it to mislead the opposition but we'll probably only get away with that once more."

JIM JITSU: "I'm good on the equipment. S'lch buddy, if your going to hold the chrono's and the pass key why don't you hold the 140 credit chits we never know but we might need to bride someone possibly?"

S'LCH: He give a vruskan shrug... "OK"

ALZARIX: "if we're are doing thus than we should get the weapons to the people who can use them the best. Me I have some experiences with hand to hand weapons and the fibro knife or night stick are good for me. The auto pistol... not so good at."

S'LCH: "I am a bit less pathetic with auto pistols, then I am with everything else."

ALYSON: She says,"I can only use Gryo jet rifle. If we come across one of them. That would be great."

CIARA: Ciara nodded to S'lch's logical assessment and continued to search the downed pirates. Once the others started the conversation about what was next, she piped up, "How far away are we from the nearest planet? Do we think the other passengers used the lifeboats? Can we check the ship's systems to see if it's been comprised?"

GORMAN: "I saw a lot of people, both passengers and crew, heading forward in the direction of the bridge and life boats. And since S'lch said there might be problems on the bridge, I think we should head in that direction. But let me go grab my medical kit before we go."

JIM JITSU: "Too right Gorman, better get that med kit. Also, if I might suggest, the computer room is on the way to the bridge. We can take a moment to access the computer and see what we can learn. Before going to the bridge where we know there has been gun fire. More information would be good before we walk into a something really ugly."

JIM JITSU: JIm ponders something then suggests, "We might take the starboard security corridor into officer country which would let us pop out on the bridge right next to the weapons locker?"

JIM JITSU: Jim continues, "Not that I need to access the weapons locker, on Clarion I have to register my hands a lethal weapons." He finishes with a double karate chop.

GM: For weapon allocations, I switched the auto pistol from Gorman to S'lch and gave one of the wicked nightsticks to Mykel. Here is the current weapon allocation:

Alyson - Martial arts
Alzarix - Vibroknife with 19 charges remaining
Carter - Wicked nightstick (very bloody)
Ciara - Laser pistol with 2 charges remaining
Ensign Fury - Martial arts
Gorman - Nothing
Jim Jitsu - Martial arts
Mykel - Wicked nightstick or Martial arts
S'lch - Autopistol with 14 rounds remaining

Once the pirates have all been searched, and everyone has made a quick trip to their staterooms to gather their equipment, the group proceeds towards the bridge. They first decide to try Jim's suggestion to take the starboard security passage and make their way in that direction. No one in the group has a proper passcode to open the security door but, when they arrive, Jim pulls out a few tools and attempts to bypass the security and coax the door into opening for him. Unfortunately he is not successful so Ensign Fury opens the air lock door and they all head through it.

Following Carter's desire to investigate the computer room, they open the hatch to the starboard computer room. It is completely empty. They enter and take a quick look at the consoles but glean no useful information. The computer systems are reporting that all ship's systems are up and running. S'lch and Carter both take a couple of minutes to dig a little deeper into the computers and learn that one of the lifeboats on the bridge has already launched. They also find that some of the bridge systems are down. Carter also finds some maintenance issues that need attention in the engine room, the most pressing of which is the surge compensator coil which is overheating. Carter isn't entirely sure what the component is or how to fix it but hopes that the engine room personnel are working on it.

Jim opens up the forward door and peers out into an empty hall. The starboard entrance to the bridge is directly across from him and stands open. Jim knows that this is highly unusual and against all ship's protocols. Additionally, he can see wisps of smoke floating about on the bridge and in the hallway.

At about the same time, Ensign Fury opens the hatch to the forward airlock. He sees two spacesuited pirates who immediately turn their attention to him. Ensign Fury doesn't hesitate. He shouts, "Pirates!" and then launches himself through the door and towards a pirate who is reaching for a grenade. The other pirate is holding a beam weapon of some type that George does not recognize.

GM: I will reset the clock and this will be turns 1 and 2. Go ahead and send me your actions.
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