Campaign Info\Magic Items

Magic ItemCursed?CostPLClassAttuneWho
Show details for ArmorArmor
Show details for ArrowsArrows
Show details for ArtifactArtifact
Show details for BookBook
Show details for ClothingClothing
Show details for Enchanted PlantEnchanted Plant
Show details for HelmHelm
Hide details for JewelryJewelry
Completed IconAmulet of DeploymentGreen ball Icon5All4 daysNo one
Completed IconAmulet of Life ProtectionGreen ball Icon524 hoursNo one
Completed IconAmulet of Mystical StealthGreen ball Icon4All48 hoursRue
Completed IconAmulet of Proof Against Detection and LocationGreen ball Icon43 daysNo one
Completed IconAmulet of the CheetahGreen ball Icon3All12 hoursNone
Completed IconArmband of HealingGreen ball Icon28004All96 hoursTebrak
Completed IconBorno CrownGreen ball Icon4All4 hours, no rollNo one
Completed IconBrooch of EquusGreen ball IconAll72 hoursNo one
Completed IconBrooch of ShieldingGreen ball Icon12004AllNoneNo one
Completed IconCamel CameoGreen ball Icon6All48 hoursNo one
Completed IconCirclet of PowerGreen ball Icon5All30 daysNarathen
Completed IconElemental ScarabsGreen ball Icon2AllNoneNo one
Completed IconFighter CharmsGreen ball Icon3All3 daysNo one
Completed IconFigurine of the CatGreen ball Icon5All5 daysTebrak
Completed IconGem of IdeasGreen ball Icon3AllNoneTory
Completed IconGem of InsightGreen ball Icon5All4 daysNarathen
Completed IconGem of the BardGreen ball Icon3All10 daysNo one
Completed IconHealing CharmGreen ball Icon248 hoursIsell
Completed IconImages of GloryGreen ball Icon5Cleric
5 daysNo one
Completed IconLuckstoneGreen ball Icon3All5 daysNo one
Completed IconNecklace of AdaptionGreen ball Icon20006All12 hoursNo one
Completed IconNecklace of MissilesGreen ball IconVaries6All3 daysNo one